Daily Thunder Easy Access

The Calling
On Your Life

A Daily Thunder Series
by Nathan Johnson

About the Series

A Study of God’s Heart from Ephesians 4

You have a calling on your life. It is profound. It is epic. And it would change everything if you embraced it. You may have questioned what God’s will for your life is, but He isn’t hiding His purpose and plan from you; rather, He longs for you to know the calling for your life that flows from His heart. This study in Ephesians chapter four is not only an invitation to understand what your God-given calling is and how to live worthy of it, but it is also an invitation to know the One who has called you.

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With a donation of any amount, you'll have lifelong* access to this entire Daily Thunder series by Eric Ludy organized in one easy location. Upon donation, you'll receive login information and have ongoing access to:

*"lifelong" meaning for as long as you, the internet, and Ellerslie remain around.

What people are saying about this series:

A 10-Part Series

Far too many believers are seeking God’s calling in their lives, not realizing He has already revealed it. This series from Ephesians 4 was designed to acquaint you with God’s heart and His plan for your life.

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For a Donation of Any Amount

While Daily Thunder is available for free online, many people love having each series organized in one location with easy access to the notes, the audiobook format, and any bonus content that was produced. The retail value for this curated course is $27, but we have decided to make it available for a donation of any amount. Our desire is to help reduce the financial barrier so you can use this series to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus Christ and your understanding to His Word. And by donating, you help support the work and ministry of Ellerslie. So whether you are able to donate $5 or $50, every dollar is a blessing that allows us to continue sharing the message of Jesus Christ around the world and offering these resources to as many as possible.

The Calling On Your Life
God longs for you to know and experience the calling He has your life that flows from His heart.
The Calling On Your Life
You have a calling on your life. It is profound. It is epic. And it would change everything if you embraced it.
The Calling On Your Life
Understand what your God-given calling is and how to live worthy of it.

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