A Summer 2021 Daily Thunder Series
Presented by Nathan Johnson

Abundantly: Experience the Depth of Christ's Life and Love
The word “abundant” expresses a largeness of quantity or an extreme measure of something. Our life in Christ is just that: abundant. As Christians, we don’t eek by, barely making it through each day; rather, we triumph, we rejoice, we live in His abundant life. As Paul brings Ephesians chapter three to a close, he prays that the depth, reality, and abundance of Christ’s life and love would be yours. Join Nathan Johnson in this special fourteen-part series examining Paul's prayer from Ephesians 3:14-21 and discover and experience the abundance of Christ’s life and love for yourself.
Click on a part below to get started:
For What Reason? – September 7, 2021
In this new series, Nathan Johnson explores Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21 and the abundant life made available to us in Christ Jesus. Paul begins his prayer by declaring “for this reason”—building upon what He has written so far in Ephesians. Join Nathan in this study where we review Ephesians 1-3 and what reason Paul is praying on behalf of believers.
The Posture of Prayer – September 9, 2021
Paul’s second prayer in Ephesians (3:14-21) isn’t a causal or simple prayer—it is an intense and focused prayer for the fullness of Christ in the lives of Paul’s readers. While we often don’t place much significance on the posture of prayer, Paul emphasizes that this prayer is done on his knees before the Father. In this expositional message, Nathan Johnson talks about the biblical posture of prayer, why Paul is emphasizing bowing his knees, and what this practically means for our own prayer lives.
Where does your name come from? – September 14, 2021
Paul tells us that every family in heaven and on earth derives its name from the Father. But what does it mean that we are “named” from the Father? In this expositional message, Nathan Johnson not only explores this incredible concept of “name” in Scripture but also gives the secret for how our lives can reflect the heart, character, and image of our God.
Three Questions For Your Prayer Life – September 16, 2021
In Ephesians 3:16, Paul declares that he prays “according to the riches of God’s glory.” While we know prayer is important, many of us don’t know the posture, position, or person of prayer like Paul did. In this expositional message, Nathan Johnson talks about what it means to pray according to the riches of God’s glory and gives you three important questions that have the potential to deepen and transform your prayer life.
Strengthened with God’s Almighty Power – September 21, 2021
The emphasis of Paul’s incredible prayer is the life and love of Jesus Christ demonstrated and experienced in the depths of every believer. The heart of the prayer is found in the phrase “strengthened with power through His Spirit in the inner man.” In this expositional message, Nathan Johnson explores this profound and essential concept of which the rest of the prayer flows from. As Christians, we must be strengthened and empowered by the Spirit of God in our inner being (our mind, heart, will, emotions, and conscience) if we desire to practically live the life of a Christian.
The Dwelling of Christ – September 23, 2021
Christ is to dwell in our hearts through faith, declares Paul in Ephesians 3:17. But this is not a call for salvation but for Christ to be central and preeminent in our lives. In this stirring expositional message, Nathan Johnson unpacks three things what Christ dwelling in our hearts does NOT mean, in order to help us understand what it does.
How to Practically Live By Faith – September 28, 2022
Christ is to dwell in our hearts THROUGH FAITH. So what does it mean to walk by faith and live in light of eternity? In this expositional message of Ephesians 3:17, Nathan practically discusses the topic of faith and what it means to live as believers who trust God regardless of the evidence that surrounds us.
Rooted and Grounded in Love – September 30, 2021
As Christians, our lives are to be rooted and grounded in love—not in an emotion but in God Himself, for He is love. But what does it mean for us to find our stability, security, and survival in Christ? In this expositional message, Nathan Johnson explores this concept and unpacks what Paul means in Ephesians 3:17—that we should be rooted and grounded in love.
The Chief Characteristic of a Christian – October 5, 2021
There is one primary defining attribute for every Christian: love. According to Paul, our lives are to be rooted and grounded in the life of Christ so that we not only know the depths of love but are also known by this incredible characteristic. In this expositional message of Ephesians 3:17-19, Nathan Johnson talks about what it means to be defined by love and gives three practical outflows of a life of love as we are rooted and grounded in Christ.
Comprehending the Incomprehensible – October 7, 2021
The modern church has become obsessed with knowing about God rather than actually knowing God. Similarly, we talk about the love of God, but how often do we truly experience it? In this expositional message from Ephesians 3:18-19, Nathan Johnson talks about the unfathomable love of God and the paradox that Paul calls us to—to comprehend the incomprehensible.
Filled with all the Fullness of God – October 12, 2021
In what may be one of the most breathtaking and dumbfounding passages in Scripture, Paul declares he desires us to be “filled up to all the fullness of God.” But what does it mean to be filled with the “fullness of God” and how do we experience such an incredible reality? In this expositional message, Nathan expounds upon Ephesians 3:19 and gives three practical ideas you need to practice so you can experience the fullness of God in your life.
God is Abundantly Able – October 14, 2021
As believers, we often live as if God is incapable of handling our issues, problems, or trials. But God not only is able, He is abundantly able to go beyond your wildest thought or desire. In this expositional message from Ephesians 3:20, Nathan Johnson discusses how God loves impossibilities, how He is abundantly able, and yet we often view God as far too small. This message will be an injection of fresh vigor to your faith.
The Power that Empowers – October 19, 2021
Our lives as Christians are not to be lived from our own strength, wisdom, or resource; rather, our lives are to the vessels through which God can showcase His indescribable power and life through. In this expositional message from Ephesians 3:20, Nathan Johnson talks about God’s power which empowers us to live the impossible Christian life.
To Him Alone Belongs Glory October 21, 2021
All glory and honor and praise belongs to our God! Yet for many Christians this reality is not reflected in their lives nor is declared from their lips. In this expositional message, Nathan Johnson examines the end of Paul’s prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21, and explains Paul’s theology of doxology—for God to receive all glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever.