A Summer 2021 Daily Thunder Series
Presented by Nathan Johnson

The Christian Mindset: Think On These Things
In a previous Daily Thunder series, Nathan began his study of Philippians 4:4–9 and discussed the first few verses on what Paul calls every Christian to think upon. In this conclusion of that series on the Christian mindset, Nathan examines each of the "whatever" statements of Philippians 4:8. In these perilous times, it is essential we, as Christians, have the correct focus and mindset.
Click on a part below to get started:
June 15, 2021
As we continue our study on the mindset of a Christian from Philippians 4:4–9, we are taking the first two episodes to review what we’ve covered thus far. In this episode, we examine Paul’s command to rejoice always and to be known for your gentleness. This “impossible” living is only possible because the Lord is near. As we continue our study, this episode will give the context for the “think on these things” passage of Philippians 4:8.
June 17, 2021
As we continue our study on the mindset of a Christian from Philippians 4:4–9, we are taking the first two episodes to review what we’ve covered thus far. In this episode, we examine Paul’s call to not allow anything to produce fear, anxiety, or worry and instead press us into intimacy with Jesus through prayer and thanksgiving—as such the peace of God will guard our inner lives. As we continue our study, this episode will give the context for the “think on these things” passage of Philippians 4:8.
June 22, 2021
When we think of boundaries, we often think of restrictions, limitations, and confinement. Yet boundaries actually give freedom. As we begin our study of Philippians 4:8, Nathan Johnson examines the beauty of boundaries and the blessing they are in our walk with Christ. Rather than imposing a limitation on what we can think upon, Paul gives us true freedom to think on Jesus Christ.
June 24, 2021
In Philippians 4:8, Paul gives a list of eight things we are to think, or meditate, upon. More than a mental grasp or understanding, Paul asserts that the meditation of the Christian mind should affect our lives in every way. As we “fill up our minds” with the things on his list, they in turn should radically transform how we behave, talk, and think. In this episode, Nathan Johnson unpacks the concept of “think” or “dwell” and how essential the word is to our understanding of the entire passage.
June 29, 2021
Paul’s command to think on what is true is far more that something factual or informational — he refers embracing the Person of Jesus and being filled up with the Word of God. In this episode, Nathan Johnson examines Paul’s first command of things to think upon and discovers that truth is twofold, it expels all lies, and transforms our personal experience and reality.
July 1, 2021
Honor is greatly misunderstood in today’s culture. Yet Paul commands us to fill up our minds with that which is honorable. As Christians, how can we understand what “honorable” is and how do we keep a guard upon our mind that reflects this quality? In this episode, Nathan Johnson tackles this complex Greek word and describes three ways in which our minds can be honorable and noble no matter what goes on around us.
July 6, 2021
Biblically, justice is not based on preference or perspective, but upon God’s righteous character and Word. In Paul’s exhortation to the Church to “think on these things” in Philippians 4:8, he calls us to dwell upon that which is right (or just). In this episode, Nathan Johnson examines the concept of righteousness and justice and gives five practical ways to not only think about that which is just but to also live it out in our lives.
July 13, 2021
“This study was not at all what I was expecting” was heard from Nathan’s mouth as he dived into what Paul calls “lovely.” As Christians, we often diminish or de-spiritualize anything that is delightful or pleasurable, yet Paul says that such things should be in our minds and filling up our lives. In this study from Philippians 4:8, Nathan explains three key areas that are lovely and why we should find great delight, joy, and pleasure in them.
July 15, 2021
According to Paul, our minds are to have a “good reputation.” While many of us would fear if someone could see our thoughts for 24 hours, a Christian’s mind is to be full of honor and godliness. In this episode, Nathan examines the concept of “commendable” in Philippians 4:8 and four examples the Bible gives for such a thought life.
July 20, 2021
Our culture is obsessed with “excellent” things—people, sports ability, careers, etc—but biblically, there is only one thing that is truly “excellent.” In this study of Philippians 4:8, Nathan Johnson talks about things culture deems as excellent and shows how the only truly excellent thing is Jesus Himself—and also discusses three ways to fill up your mind with “whatever is excellent.”
July 22, 2021
While God is the only one who is truly worthy of praise, it is fascinating that the word “praiseworthy” in Philippians 4:8 is used for both God and people. In this study, Nathan Johnson explores the biblical concept of praiseworthy and gives eight practical thoughts for how we can live lives of praise.
July 26, 2021
We are to be unlike the world around us—though we live in the world, we are not to be of the world. As Paul concludes his argument in Philippians 4:9, he declares “look at my life and watch how this is put into practice!” In this episode, Nathan exposes Paul’s heart from the passage and exhorts each of us to live lives worthy to be imitated.
July 29, 2021
As Paul comes to a conclusion, he gives a final benediction and blessing for those who live and think according to His exhortation of Philippians 4:4-9. This blessing is nothing less than God’s promise to be with us. In this final message on the Christian mindset, Nathan Johnson expounds on Paul’s statement that “the God of peace will be with you” and gives three incredible realities of what it means for our lives practically.