A Daily Thunder Series with Eric and Leslie Ludy
30 Years
Candid Reflections On Our Marriage & Ministry Journey
Thirty years ago something amazing began. It was the beginnings of a marriage and a ministry that would impact a generation. When Eric and Leslie first set out on their great adventure together, they experienced the joys and triumph of a God-centered story while also facing the many unexpected challenges that come from being engaged in front-lines spiritual battle. In this candid and conversational new podcast series, they reminisce about their unique marriage and ministry journey and unpack invaluable spiritual lessons they have learned along the way.
Part 1: Unapologetic
Thirty years ago something amazing began. It was the beginnings of a marriage and a ministry that would impact a generation. When Eric and Leslie first set out on their great adventure together, they experienced the joys and triumph of a God-centered story while also facing the many unexpected challenges that come from being engaged in front-lines spiritual battle. In this candid and conversational series, they reminisce their unique marriage and ministry journey and unpack invaluable spiritual lessons they have learned along the way.
Part 2: Entering the Battle
Eric and Leslie discuss the unexpected battles that accompanied their launch into ministry work. They share key spiritual lessons they learned through the intense struggle to gain a power position against the enemy’s attacks, instead of a passive one.
Part 3: Stronger Because of it
Thirty years ago when Eric and Leslie stepped into the battle of ministry, they were completely unprepared to stand up to the spiritual assault that came against them. They were naive believers unskilled in the art of war. But, around ten years into their ministry work—when they were discouraged and doubting they could even continue on—they finally came to understand the powerful weaponry that they have in Christ. In this episode, they discuss the spiritual weaponry they discovered and the dramatic impact this armament has had on their lives and ministry ever since.
Part 4: Exposed to the Industry
Eric and Leslie unpack their experience of being exposed to the modern Christian celebrity world in their early twenties. They explore the behind-the-scenes challenges they ran square into as they encountered the Christian “industry” and their decision to move away from a glitzy road and choose a rockier path instead.
Part 5: The Call to the Small
Eric and Leslie were best-selling authors and internationally traveling speakers that were used to speaking to thousands at a time, when God called them to walk away from that path, come off the road, and speak to only a handful for a season. Why? What good could come out of such a shrinkage of influence and voice? This call to the small was the necessary step that prepared the Ludys for the launch of Ellerslie in 2009.
Part 6: Watch What My God Will Do
There is one iconic phrase that marks the history of Ellerslie Discipleship Training maybe more than any other: “Watch what my God will do!” This episode explores the amazing origins of that inspiring statement and freshly encourages us to keep shouting it.
Part 7: The Art of Public Speaking
Eric and Leslie never expected to be standing on a stage speaking. But thirty years later, after speaking to multiple hundreds of thousands in multiple hundreds of venues, they’ve kind of accepted public speaking as a somewhat normal activity now. This particular episode dives into the Ludy’s unique experience of becoming unwitting communicators.
Part 8: The Public Eye
Most people wish they could be in the public eye. “I wish to be famous” is always one of the three wishes someone claims from the genie bottle, isn’t it? For some reason the idea of being well known sounds like fun. But, Eric and Leslie believe that a life in the public eye should be surrounded by orange caution cones. They call it 95% trouble and 5% golden opportunity. That said, the 5% golden opportunity, if used well, could change the world.
Part 9: Books, Books, and more Books
Eric and Leslie discuss the thirty years of writing over thirty books. How did they get into book writing and what has their experience with authorship been like? The Ludys discuss their unique experience with stylistic collaboration, strategic content creation, and their journey of learning how to effective communication Truth through writing.