About Eric and Leslie Ludy
Eric and Leslie Ludy are the bestselling authors of nearly thirty books which have sold over a million copies and been translated into over a dozen languages around the world. For the past twenty-five years, the Ludys have been popular speakers at Christian events and on media platforms. Eric is a pastor and serves as the president of Ellerslie, a Biblically-based discipleship training center in Colorado that equips Christians from all around the world in Gospel-centered living. Leslie directs Set Apart Ministries, providing resources that inspire women of all ages toward Christ-centered femininity. The Ludys have six beautiful children, four of whom were adopted. They live in Colorado where they conspire as a family daily to take the world for Jesus Christ. Listen to Eric’s powerful messages on the Daily Thunder podcast. Listen to Leslie’s practical truth for women on the Set Apart podcast.

For information about the Ludy’s books, please visit our store.
Watch Eric’s sermons here or catch up with all his Daily Thunder episodes here.
Learn more about Leslie at setapart.org.