understanding the times in which we live
Sunday, May 16, 2021
The world is changing at warp speed. Is this change good or bad? That depends on how we respond to it.
One of the great secrets of the Christian is to know the things that must NEVER change in our lives as well as the things that often MUST change in our lives as this world crazily morphs around us.
The Sons of Issachar were noted in Scripture for “understanding the times in which they lived.” This is an attribute of strength that would serve the Church well at present. Many of us are dizzied, confused, and angry about the fast-paced change taking place in our world, but few of us feel like we have a clear grip on God’s purposes in this hour and know precisely how to bring the Gospel to this confused and needy world as a result of this change. Oh, Lord Jesus, raise up men and women in this hour that understand the times and can help the Church triumphantly navigate this tumultuous season.

Monday, May 17, 2021
The Strategy of Relinquishment // As the Sons of Issachar – Part 1 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Nathan Johnson)
This particular message unpacks the importance of “relinquishment” in the process of readying the Christian man or woman for their God-given assignment on this earth.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
The Strategy of Recalibration // As the Sons of Issachar – Part 2 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Nathan Johnson)
This particular episode dives into the proper use of change in the Christian life. There is a form of change that leads believers over cliffs to their destruction and another form of change that sharpens a believer for triumphing in the age in which they live. Let’s ensure that we are participating in the right form of change.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021
The Strategy of Repentance // As the Sons of Issachar – Part 3 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Nathan Johnson)
This particular episode breaks down, not just the function of repentance, but the significance of repentance in building Christian men and women strong and unwavering in an hour of tumultuous change.
Thursday, May 20, 2021
The Strategy of Remembrance // As the Sons of Issachar – Part 4 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Dan McConnaughey)
This particular episode discusses the power of remembrance in the life of the believer — both remembrance of God’s faithfulness and remembrance of God’s Word. In a time of ever-increasing darkness, we must remember who God is and what God has done throughout the ages, so that we can stand strong in faith as we stare at a very unsteady future.
Friday, May 21, 2021
The Strategy of Rambunctiousness // As the Sons of Issachar – Part 5 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Nathan Johnson)
This particular episode talks about the amazing power of childlike joy. We all live in a day of dour expressions and doom-filled reports and expectations. As the Church, we must learn to wield our secret weapon of childlike faith in order to overwhelm the enemy’s evil plots.