May the profound function of the Body of Christ once again return to the stage of time and may it work to produce an epic picture of the glory of our King.
Battle-Forged Friendship
Spirit-built relationships are one of the crowning jewels of a God’s constructed life.
Video: How Should a Godly Man Handle Gender Confusion?
How should a godly man deal with the gender confusion of our day? Well, a godly man needs to be…
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Flipping into the Kembu Vam
If we truly and genuinely believe our God to have defeated the powers of Hell, then let’s prove it by flipping into the Kembu Vam.
Upping our Game
There come moments in history when you must choose a side. Are you with Christ or are you with this world?
Video: How Should a Godly Man Handle Race?
God doesn’t see through the lens of color. He doesn’t see through the lens of race and ethnicity. He sees…
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When the Soul Dreams
This is the hour for the Church to freshly remember the strong tower in which they dwell and to freshly realize that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the answer to nullifying the power of the enemy’s scare tactics.