The book of Deuteronomy is about the “second” — it is a second invite to a second generation to follow a second leader. It is a brilliant shadow of the glorious Gospel invite found in the New Testament…
Video: Why Parents Should Talk to Their Kids About Sexuality
Many parents worry that speaking to their children about sexuality might create the very problems they are trying to avoid….
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440: The Caged Lion // Spiritual Lessons from WW2 — Part 66
Most of us had never experienced a lockdown prior the year 2020. And most of us would be happy if we never experienced a lockdown again…
439: Being Presidential // Spiritual Lessons from WW2 — Part 65
It’s tough being a leader. And, if we really understood the crushing weight that comes with the job, none of us would crave to be the one chosen to lead the troops on D-Day…
Video: How Can I Overcome Fear?
Are you being pushed around by fear? Did you know that you don’t have to live that way?
437: Rehearsing D-Day // Spiritual Lessons from WW2 — Part 64
In this episode he throws us into the preparations of the Allied forces on the island of Great Britain. D-Day is just up ahed. So, for the American and British troops it is practice, practice, practice…
431: The H-Hour // Spiritual Lessons from WW2 — Part 63
In this episode he explores the way a Supreme Commander of a military expedition defines the Day and the Hour for movement…