God gave us a grip. And with that grip we have to ability to grab ahold of things and not let go. It’s an amazing quality that God vested into His creation, but, when sin entered the picture, it corrupted this gripping ability and turned it into something that can lead to our destruction.
Hopeland Security
God gave us a grip. And with that grip we have to ability to grab ahold of things and not let go. It’s an amazing quality that God vested into His creation, but, when sin entered the picture, it corrupted this gripping ability and turned it into something that can lead to our destruction.
The Focal Point
A successful Christian life is one that doesn’t allow the world to define the focus of the believer, but energetically and proactively exerts mental focus on things true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy. The focal point of a believing soul defines the attitude and outlook of the believer.
Out of Ash
When triumphant faith presents itself in the midst of dark and formidable moments, God’s redemptive glory is revealed at the highest levels.
Making Orange Juice
If we as believers are dependent upon God to bring about true revival—what is our role as the Church in seeing authentic revival return?
Second Wind
When the Christian attempts to supply a Biblical name to this “second wind” phenomenon, it’s hard, because it seems to be a mixture of a handful of key ingredients—faith, hope, joy, and patience. And when these four ingredients blend together, it lifts the believing soul up out of the mire and back into a full sprint.
Waking the Yeti
In the Christian soul, deliberate attention must be paid to the art of keeping the soul sharp, ready, and able to perform at peak levels. As a result of this “dulling” phenomenon, messages like this can prove significant and important in our spiritual pursuits.