We are in the midst of a spiritual battle. There is an enemy and he desires the destruction of the Church. But, praise God, the enemy doesn’t just get everything he desires. God has supplied weaponry to His saints and equipped them for every good work.
Eric Ludy
Spiritual Lessons from Alfred the Great
When circumstances look their bleakest, such is the hour for the heroes of faith to arise from the ash of difficulty. The Church of Jesus Christ needs to be reminded of our heroic heritage, and we need to be freshly stirred to realize that men and women in history past have faced far more formidable odds and circumstances than we are facing right now in the year 2021.
The Strategist
We are in the midst of a spiritual battle. There is an enemy and he desires the destruction of the Church. But, praise God, the enemy doesn’t just get everything he desires. God has supplied weaponry to His saints and equipped them for every good work.
Video: Is your son ready for “the man talk”?
“The talk” is one key dimension of fatherhood that every one of us as men knows about but rarely talks…
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The End of Ox Carts
Jesus desires us to throw off all the weights that are besetting us and run this race with vim and vigor. May we see the end of ox carts and see a radical return to the version of Christianity that joyfully embraces crosses and enthusiastically sings in prison cells.
The Blanket Carriers
Along the Christian journey we are going to encounter weakness in those that are walking beside us down the Narrow Way. How should we respond to this weakness? And — surprise, surprise — we are also going to encounter weakness in ourselves as we follow in the footsteps of Christ.