This discussion between Eric Ludy and Nathan Johnson holds a powerful truth that every Christian needs in their lives (and as you listen, you’ll discover why this life principle is the hardest for Eric to live out).
Eric Ludy
The Dangerous Edge
This sermon series explores different facets of how to live on the dangerous edge…
558: Jehovah in Human Skin (Eric Ludy)
Most Christians agree that Jesus is amazing. But few Christians today realize just HOW amazing He truly is. He WAS and IS God. Christianity is in desperate need of a return to the almighty divinity of Jesus Christ. It is our desire that this message will exhort unto that end.
557: Is it possible to get the cowardice out of our lives?
In a culture that applauds fear and foreboding, can a Christian actually live intrepid, fearless, and immoveable? The Bible says, YES! In this discussion series on “gritty Christianity,” Eric Ludy and Nathan Johnson talk about cowardice and whether it is possible to live without it.
554: Does God Still Provide for Our Needs Today?
Scripture reveals God as Jehovah Jireh, the Provider. Yet we can look at our lives and question whether or not He still provides in the current age. In this discussion on spiritual life lessons, Eric Ludy and Nathan Johnson talk about the question “does God still provide for our needs today?”
553: The Hill to Die On (Eric Ludy)
Preeminence is such a wonderful word. Especially when it is associated with the Person of Jesus Christ. A very simple definition of the word would be — holding first place. In this message Eric labors to remove the fog bank that often surrounds the theology and doctrines of the Christian faith and zeroes in on what matters most of all.