As the third installment in Eric Ludy’s Glossary of the Gospel series, this episode focuses on the place the Scriptures must claim in the life of a believer…
Eric Ludy
13: The Importance of Integrity // (Eric Ludy)
This message was given as a precursor to the Sunday morning service at the church at Ellerslie that employed this very idea and put it into enthusiastic practice. It was a very special morning for the local body at Ellerslie…
11: See Your Need // Gospel Toolkit 01 (Eric Ludy)
To know your need for God is a gift from Heaven…
09: Becoming a Doer // Glossary of the Gospel 02 (Eric Ludy)
In this episode, Eric particularly draws out the idea of being a doer of the Word and not just a hearer…
07: First Things // Glossary of the Gospel 01 (Eric Ludy)
Eric Ludy in this episode offers a quick Biblical study on the concept of self-control – what it is; how it works; and how each of us can cultivate this profound spiritual grace in our own lives…
05: Holding the High Ground // (Eric Ludy)
Eric Ludy in this episode offers a quick Biblical study on the concept of self-control – what it is; how it works; and how each of us can cultivate this profound spiritual grace in our own lives…