In this final installment of the mini-series “You Are Blessed!” Nathan Johnson talks about the blessings we have in the Spirit and why it’s important not just to hear the truth but to fully embrace it. Dive into Ephesians 1:13-14 and be reminded how blessed you are!
576: The Blessings of the Son (Nathan Johnson)
You are blessed! And in part-three, we examine Ephesians 1:7-12 and talk about the blessings we have in Christ Jesus. Join Nathan Johnson as we look at the incredible blessings of forgiveness, redemption, wisdom, and receiving the great mystery.
571: The Blessings of the Father (Nathan Johnson)
In this special series looking at the blessing we have from God, Nathan Johnson discusses the blessings we have in the Father as found in Ephesians 1:3-6. Discover the amazing reality that you have been adopted, chosen, and called to be holy and blameless.
566: You Are Blessed! (Nathan Johnson)
You are blessed! As a Christian, you don’t have to hope for blessing, you have already been blessed in Christ Jesus – for ALL things that you need for life and godliness are found in Him!
561: Find Thanksgiving Throughout Your Trials (Nathan Johnson)
Thanksgiving isn’t merely important in the Christian life, it is essential – in fact, it is classified as God’s will for your life (see 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). It’s all things thanksgiving in this message, and no, we aren’t talking about the big meal in November. Discover how this simple principle and “God’s will” can radically transform your life.
556: Become an Island of Peace Amidst the Seas of Turmoil (Nathan Johnson)
As Christians, we are called to lives of peace, joy, and hope – regardless of the turmoil and trouble that surrounds us. In this special series, Nathan Johnson examines what it means to walk in peace, joy, and hope in every circumstance and become that “island of peace” in our culture because of the life of Jesus Christ. If you need hope or a fresh reminder to rise up above your troubles and difficulties and experience the Prince of Peace, this message is for you!