In this expositional sermon, Nathan examines this passage and explains that the good works Paul refers to is not about a list of activities or “dos and don’ts” but rather is the life and love of Christ Himself…
Join Nathan Johnson in this practical verse-by-verse study of Paul's letter to the Ephesians.
418: God’s Poetry to the World (Ephesians 2:10) // Ephesians Bible Study 47 (Nathan Johnson)
In this expositional message, Nathan Johnson talks about the grace and salvation of God in light of God’s working to bring about a masterpiece and poetry that showcases Himself to the world…
414: Salvation by Grace Through Faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) // Ephesians Bible Study 46 (Nathan Johnson)
In this expositional sermon, Nathan Johnson explains that this salvation by grace through faith is not something which happened merely in the past on our behalf but is the ongoing reality and experience for the believer…
409: The Superlative Demonstration (Ephesians 2:7) // Ephesians Bible Study 45 (Nathan Johnson)
In this expositional study of Ephesians 2:7, Nathan Johnson looks at the superlative demonstration of God’s grace … now and for all eternity…
405: Life With Christ (Ephesians 2:5-6) // Ephesians Bible Study 44 (Nathan Johnson)
In this expositional study of Ephesians, Nathan talks about the importance of a life lived with Christ…
368: Living By the Course of the World (Ephesians 2:1-3) // Ephesians Bible Study 39 (Nathan Johnson)
In this message, Nathan Johnson examines Paul’s description of our spiritual deadness outside of Christ … making us realize how much we need Jesus in our lives…