In this time of Corona craziness, we need a fresh reminder that God has not abandoned or forsaken us…
With a passionate heart for Christian discipleship, the majesty and centrality of Jesus Christ, and the life-changing power of the Gospel, the Daily Thunder podcast is a daily teaching series from the Bible to exhort, equip, and encourage Christians down the Narrow Way of the Cross. Taught by Eric Ludy, Nathan Johnson, and other guests – now you can have a little of the Ellerslie Discipleship boom, grit, and oomph thundering daily in your earbuds.
Listen to the Latest Episodes Below
340: The Time of the Man // The Special Quarantine Edition 26 (Eric Ludy)
In this episode Eric hits on the issue of manhood, reminding us that when evil encroaches upon a culture, its first agenda is to undermine the strength of godly masculinity…
339: Have the Mind of Christ // The Special Quarantine Edition 25 (Nathan Johnson)
In this time of Corona craziness, we need a fresh reminder that God has not abandoned or forsaken us…
338: A Bit of Perspective // The Special Quarantine Edition 24 (Eric Ludy)
In this episode Eric reminds us of the beauty, power, and efficacy of the shed blood of Christ in the midst of this time when the Coronavirus is stealing the headlines and occupying the center stage in most people’s thought life…
337: Strategies for Prison Life // The Special Quarantine Edition 23 (Eric Ludy)
In this episode Eric walks through Paul’s unique outlook while stuck in a jail in Philippi and then converts that into present-day strategies for each of us while stuck in our COVID-19 quarantine…
336: Choosing the Veggies // The Special Quarantine Edition 22 (Eric Ludy)
Eric builds a unique parallel between our current quarantine season and the Jews captivity in Babylon and then draws on the decision of Daniel to “choose the veggies” while in captivity as an inspiration for all of us to do the same…