In this fourth episode of the Saga of Scripture series, Nathan Johnson examines the life and faith of Abraham and compares it to the life of Lot – in the end showing how Abraham received the promise of the Kingdom and how his life was a foreshadow of how Christians are still called to live today: by faith, in dependence upon the King…
24: The Kingdom Rejected (The Fall) // The Saga of Scripture 03 (Nathan Johnson)
In this third lesson on the Saga of Scripture, we examine the Fall, its implications for today, how God had a plan for redemption even before sin entered the world, and how we too are called to live lives of dependent upon the life of God via the indwelling Holy Spirit…
17: The Kingdom of the King // The Saga of Scripture 02 (Nathan Johnson)
Join Nathan in this Bible survey study series of seeing Jesus in all of Scripture…
10: The Grand Story // The Saga of Scripture 01 (Nathan Johnson)
As we begin our global survey of the Bible (“The Saga of Scripture”), we step back and look at the grand story as a whole and show how God has one intent and purpose in His majestic storyline of Scripture…