In this expositional message on the Christian Mindset, Nathan Johnson looks at Philippians 4:8 and the boundaries our minds are to stay within…
492: An Overview of the Christian Mindset (Philippians 4:4–7) // The Christian Mindset 11 (Nathan Johnson)
If you want to gain an overview of what Paul says in Philippians 4:4-7, this is a great way to catch up as we enter into the “whatevers” of Philippians 4:8…
488: The Protection of Peace (Philippians 4:7) // The Christian Mindset 10 (Nathan Johnson)
In this expositional message, Nathan Johnson examines Philippians 4:7 and how everything in our lives should press us unto Jesus Christ and as a result, we experience the incredible peace of God – regardless of circumstance or problem…
485: Thanksgiving is More Than a Meal // The Christian Mindset 09 (Nathan Johnson)
In this message on the Christian mindset, Nathan Johnson teaches on Philippians 2:6 and talks about what thanksgiving is suppose to look like in the life of a believer…
480: 10 Key Things the Bible Says that Hinder Prayer // The Christian Mindset 08 (Nathan Johnson)
In this message from Philippians 4:6, Nathan Johnson talks about what it means to be a place of prayer for all the nations and ten key things the Bible tells us that hinders prayer…
475: A Life of Prayer and Supplication // The Christian Mindset 07 (Nathan Johnson)
In this message on the Christian mindset, Nathan Johnson examines Philippians 4:6 and talks about prayer, supplication, and making requests to God, and in turn discovers that everything in our lives should drive us toward Jesus Christ…