Jesus declared that just as Jonah was a sign unto the Ninevites, so also would Jesus be a sign to His generation (Luke 11:29-30). This message explores the meaning of the unique phrase, “The Sign of Jonah” and unpacks how this sign works in bringing people unto a dynamic faith.
Eric Ludy
The Sign of the Man
Jesus declared that just as Jonah was a sign unto the Ninevites, so also would Jesus be a sign to His generation (Luke 11:29-30). This message explores the meaning of the unique phrase, “The Sign of Jonah” and unpacks how this sign works in bringing people unto a dynamic faith.
With a Personal Touch
Why is it that someone can doctrinally understand something out of the Bible, and yet, not seem to be able to grasp that truth in their own personal life? This is a more common problem than most people realize.
Choosing the Lowly Chair
Our human propensity is to pick the seat of honor. But Jesus came to save us from our natural propensities and, He intends to, not just convince us of the value of the low seat, but also empower us to select it . . . every time.
The Art of Waiting
Waiting is hard, but it is the thoroughfare through which God brings blessing and beauty into our life. But, when we wait, as God has asked us to wait, the blessing that comes is always more than worth the challenge inherent in the waiting process.
Pleasure in Weakness
Weakness is deemed by many as the arch-nemesis of happiness. Most of us would go to great lengths to avoid it at all costs. To rightly appropriate the power of weakness is one of the cardinal secrets of a successful Christian life.