Often times believers get frustrated by the fact that there seems to be no power in their lives. They believe the right things, esteem good theology, and even ponder the beauty of the Truth, but their lives don’t evidence that beauty of the truth in their daily lives.
Eric Ludy
Spiritual Recalibration
As believers we can often focus on the fact that we are doing “right” and, as a result, miss the fact that there is something “more right” that should be done — this is where spiritual recalibration comes in.
The Film Crew
May the profound function of the Body of Christ once again return to the stage of time and may it work to produce an epic picture of the glory of our King.
Battle-Forged Friendship
Spirit-built relationships are one of the crowning jewels of a God’s constructed life.
Video: How Should a Godly Man Handle Gender Confusion?
How should a godly man deal with the gender confusion of our day? Well, a godly man needs to be…
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Flipping into the Kembu Vam
If we truly and genuinely believe our God to have defeated the powers of Hell, then let’s prove it by flipping into the Kembu Vam.