Even today, God is speaking to His Children. His primary means of doing this is through His Word. However, the text of the Bible, if left all by its lonesome, hangs heavily like an unwieldy sword in the hand of a listless warrior if it is not coupled with the swinging and parrying power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within the man or woman of God
Eric Ludy
As the Sons of Issachar
The Sons of Issachar were noted in Scripture for “understanding the times in which they lived.” This is an attribute of strength that would serve the Church well at present. We need a clear grip on God’s purposes in this hour and know precisely how to bring the Gospel to this confused and needy world as a result of this change.
Why Parents Should Talk to Their Kids About Sexuality
Many parents worry that speaking to their children about sexuality might create the very problems they are trying to avoid….
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The Vaccine Dilemma
In this message Eric Ludy uses the divisive issue of vaccinations along with Paul’s instructions in the book of 1st Corinthians in order to address the more pressing matter of how the Church ought to navigate these outrageous times.
The sad tale of America’s fall from grace is not supposed to be our sad tale, too. This message was originally given nine years ago, but, Ellerslie is re-releasing it now in hopes that its timely and salient message will hearten the Body of Christ in this hour and encourage us to remember the value of self-relinquishment and throw overboard these toxic notions of self-entitlement . . . before it is too late.
When a Pastor Lives a Double Life
While Eric Ludy is out of town on a speaking trip, Ellerslie is freshly releasing this sermon classic from the archives. Originally delivered nine years ago, it is our prayer that its re-release proves a timely exhortation to the Body in this hour of compromise.