In a world where the manly voice is diminished, it may not be proper to ask the question (but we must) – what is the manly response? To what you may ask? Well … to everything. Join Eric Ludy and Nathan Johnson in a discussion talking about a great need the world has today.
Eric Ludy
544: Why Do Christian Leaders Burn Out?
Christian leaders are burning out at unprecedented rates … so what is the secret to never burning out? In this discussion, Eric Ludy and Nathan Johnson tackle this important question and deal with the essential skill of saying “no” and knowing what to say “yes” to.
543: Convinced About the Bible (Eric Ludy)
The Scriptures deal out Truth, and that Truth is like a rock-foundation that can be fully trusted and built upon — without concern of shifting and failing . . . ever . . . for all eternity.
542: Revolutionary Tactics // A Christian Response to a Crumbling America 05 (Eric Ludy)
The Kingdom of God is purposefully upside down. Discover the revolutionary tactics of the Spirit born.
541: Illegal Laughter // A Christian Response to a Crumbling America 04 (Eric Ludy)
What would we do if laughter was illegal? With all the bad news gushing forth, these five messages are encouraging, heartening, and inspiring … and a reminder that He who sits in heaven laughs.
540: Control Over Kings // A Christian Response to a Crumbling America 03 (Eric Ludy)
This is part three of a special 5-part series by Eric Ludy. American Christians are entering unfamiliar territory but we need to know who sits upon the Throne.