There are certain things that I’ve been praying and asking God for for decades that haven’t yet happened…
Eric Ludy
507: Revelation 3:2 // Twenty Memorable Scriptures 02 (Eric Ludy)
We are counting down twenty of our most impactful, memorable, and influential Scriptures from the first ten years of Ellerslie. In part two, Eric Ludy talks about Revelation 3:2…
505: A Solemn Triumph // Spiritual Lessons from WW2 93 (Eric Ludy)
This is the final episode in Eric’s series on WWII…
503: A Tribute to Winston Churchill // Spiritual Lessons from WW2 92 (Eric Ludy)
In this episode Eric Ludy walks through the month of June and July of 1945 from the perspective of Winston Churchill…
502: The Truman Warning // Spiritual Lessons from WW2 91 (Eric Ludy)
In this episode he explores the Potsdam Declaration given to the Japanese on July 26th, 1945…
500: The Atomic Bomb is Born // Spiritual Lessons from WW2 90 (Eric Ludy)
This is an inspiring uplifting message, reminding us that God is greater than all other powers…