In this episode he explores the challenging position British General Alexander finds himself in during August of 1944…
Eric Ludy
458: The Submission of Winston // Spiritual Lessons from WW2 — Part 74
In this episode he brings out a struggle in the late Summer months of 1944 between America and Great Britain over how they should handle the Mediterranean theater of war…
457: Remembering Liège // Spiritual Lessons from WW2 — Part 73
In this episode Eric Ludy demonstrates, using amazing events from WW2 in August of 1944, how God turns all things to good for those that love Him and are called according to His purpose…
455: The Liberation of Paris // Spiritual Lessons from WW2 — Part 72
In this episode he dives into the four year history of France in WW2 from mid-1940 through August 1944…
Video: Why Are Many of Today’s Well-Known Christians Renouncing Their Faith?
In Eric Ludy’s new video he shares what he believes is the primary reason that many modern Christians fail to go the distance, and how we can begin to set a different pattern in the Church, for such a time as this…
453: Operation Pluto // Spiritual Lessons from WW2 — Part 71
Discover how an invention design to pump oil under the ocean to supply the fuel-needy Allies parallels the extraordinary work of Jesus at the Cross supplying us (the Church) a pipeline of limitless Heavenly Oil for all things pertaining to life and godliness…