In this episode Eric Ludy brings us into the daily slog of the Allied infantry as they make their way across the French countryside…
Eric Ludy
450: The Spoils of D-Day // Spiritual Lessons from WW2 — Part 69
In this episode Eric joins Winston Churchill in his journey to the newly captured territories in France following the D-Day invasion…
448: The Big Red One // Spiritual Lessons from WW2 — Part 68
In this episode he examines the U.S. Army’s famed 1st Infantry Division and the profound significance of their two nicknames, “The Fighting First” and “The Big Red One…”
447: In the Sands of Omaha // Spiritual Lessons from WW2 — Part 67
This is the sixty-seventh installment in Eric’s series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW2. In this episode we join the 230 boys from A Company as they land on Omaha beach in the early morning hours of June 6, 1944…
The Shadow Nation Rises
The book of Deuteronomy is about the “second” — it is a second invite to a second generation to follow a second leader. It is a brilliant shadow of the glorious Gospel invite found in the New Testament…
Video: Why Parents Should Talk to Their Kids About Sexuality
Many parents worry that speaking to their children about sexuality might create the very problems they are trying to avoid….
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