In this episode Eric powerfully and humorously addresses the idea of spiritual authority…
Eric Ludy
119: The Principle of Always // Life Lessons 13 (Eric Ludy)
In this episode Eric focuses on the unchanging nature of God and showcases how this very unchangingness is the basis of all faith and healthy spiritual function…
108: But What Would They Say? // Life Lessons 12 (Eric Ludy)
In this episode Eric touches on the significant role that social pressure often plays in the turn of the human soul…
Eric Ludy Responds to Joshua Harris
Part Five: THE MUD AND THE STARS » Did you miss Parts 1-4? Start reading the series here. « Two…
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107: The Next Kendrick Movie: The Overcomer Experience
Eric gives his thoughts about the Kendrick’s upcoming movie release, Overcomer, and dishes out some powerful teaching about “identity” simultaneously…
106: Eric Interviews Nathan about the Israel Study Tour starting Monday
This is a fun and unique Daily Thunder episode that kind of stands alone. Eric interviews Nathan Johnson as he is about to embark on an epic Bible Study Tour through the Holy Land…