The time has come for the Church to stop, consider, refresh, and re-approach this battle. Our old methods for American Christianity are rusty and must be swapped out for freshly oiled Heavenly weaponry. There is a better way to fight this fight, to win this war, and to see a generation awaken to the power of the Gospel.
Eric Ludy
The Low Spot
The time has come for the Church to stop, consider, refresh, and re-approach this battle. Our old methods for American Christianity are rusty and must be swapped out for freshly oiled Heavenly weaponry. There is a better way to fight this fight, to win this war, and to see a generation awaken to the power of the Gospel.
The Well-Dressed Admiral
The time has come for the Church to stop, consider, refresh, and re-approach this battle. Our old methods for American Christianity are rusty and must be swapped out for freshly oiled Heavenly weaponry. There is a better way to fight this fight, to win this war, and to see a generation awaken to the power of the Gospel.
The Muddy Paws of Brumus
Brumus was a symbol of breaking through the stodgy and dull. Many of us struggle with the muddy paws of Brumus in our own lives. When change comes, we often don’t embrace it. When change is needed, we often argue that things were fine just as they were. We tend to look back at the “glory days” of yesteryear, wishing we could go back instead of forward.
The Game of Chicken
As believers, we find ourselves constantly engaged in this life/death face-off with the powers of darkness. And if we as believers are going to prove victorious in our stand-off with this ancient foe, we need to know how to call our enemy’s bluff and keep our left tire on the white center line.
Clothed In Rainbow
One of the most important building blocks in a strong and robust faith is knowing the unchanging nature of our God. Simply put, He doesn’t change.