Sunday, January 14, 2024 In a time when burdensome and disturbing news is flooding into the psyche of the Church,…
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Attitude & Emotions
The End Zone Celebration Dance
Many Christians are seasoned veterans at whooping at their televisions when their team scores that winning touchdown. But few Christians these days are adept at whooping heavenward when God does His God-thing and saves the day down here on earth. What would happen if we flipped this thing around and began to celebrate the goodness, the faithfulness, and the victory of God as we ought?
The Gentle President
The time has come for the Church to stop, consider, refresh, and re-approach this battle. Our old methods for American Christianity are rusty and must be swapped out for freshly oiled Heavenly weaponry. There is a better way to fight this fight, to win this war, and to see a generation awaken to the power of the Gospel.
The Focal Point
A successful Christian life is one that doesn’t allow the world to define the focus of the believer, but energetically and proactively exerts mental focus on things true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy. The focal point of a believing soul defines the attitude and outlook of the believer.
Second Wind
When the Christian attempts to supply a Biblical name to this “second wind” phenomenon, it’s hard, because it seems to be a mixture of a handful of key ingredients—faith, hope, joy, and patience. And when these four ingredients blend together, it lifts the believing soul up out of the mire and back into a full sprint.