As believers, we find ourselves constantly engaged in this life/death face-off with the powers of darkness. And if we as believers are going to prove victorious in our stand-off with this ancient foe, we need to know how to call our enemy’s bluff and keep our left tire on the white center line.
Boldness & Courage
More Radical
This message is a mix between a tribute to the extraordinary man and a spiritual exhortation gleaned from precious words spoken before he passed.
Flipping into the Kembu Vam
If we truly and genuinely believe our God to have defeated the powers of Hell, then let’s prove it by flipping into the Kembu Vam.
Dogs have a special way of revealing to us dimensions of the Kingdom of Heaven that are hard to comprehend otherwise. But, the reason they demonstrate these astounding qualities is in order that we might be stirred by the Spirit of God to say, “Lord, make me dogged, just like that!”
Steeled for Action
The American church seems prone to melting in the day of battle instead of rising up strong and courageous…
The Dangerous Edge
This sermon series explores different facets of how to live on the dangerous edge…