If we allow our God’s Truth to be our guide, victory is assured over the snazzy speedboats of the Devil.
Fear & Anxiety
She Smiles
The Devil has always been in the business of fretting, foreboding, and fear. His plan is simple—to dupe the masses into transferring their investment portfolios of faith from “a strong anticipation in God’s ability to save” into the worthless business of hell—dread, panic, and a dismal outlook.
The Focal Point
A successful Christian life is one that doesn’t allow the world to define the focus of the believer, but energetically and proactively exerts mental focus on things true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy. The focal point of a believing soul defines the attitude and outlook of the believer.
No More Guff
Guff labors to steal the territory that God promised to us and it tries to convince us that God never intended us to have that territory in the first place. We must respond by belligerently declaring, “No more of this guff!”
The Rescue of a Nation
The post-election atmosphere in the United States of America has left an uneasiness, an uncertainty, and a dense fog of…
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