When the Truth is obscured in an individual life or in an entire culture, something other than Truth will lead that life and that culture. The Church must return to the Truth as its King, Counselor, and Guide. And only then can it help steer this misguided culture back in the direction of true identity.
The Wrong Door
It’s not our good works, it is Christ’s good Work alone that solves the human riddle. This can all be solved by making sure we enter the Door that Christ unlocked for us, instead of climbing in through the window of works, good deeds, and moral excellence.
Twenty-Eight Years
Many people view difficulty as the antithesis of pleasure, happiness, and beauty. When in fact it is the catalyst for the most refined and exquisite version of all three. God reveals how He purposely leverages difficulty (trials, tribulations, and sufferings) in the construction of His saints.
Holding on to Doggy
God gave us a grip. And with that grip we have to ability to grab ahold of things and not let go. It’s an amazing quality that God vested into His creation, but, when sin entered the picture, it corrupted this gripping ability and turned it into something that can lead to our destruction.
Hopeland Security
God gave us a grip. And with that grip we have to ability to grab ahold of things and not let go. It’s an amazing quality that God vested into His creation, but, when sin entered the picture, it corrupted this gripping ability and turned it into something that can lead to our destruction.
The Focal Point
A successful Christian life is one that doesn’t allow the world to define the focus of the believer, but energetically and proactively exerts mental focus on things true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy. The focal point of a believing soul defines the attitude and outlook of the believer.