When I was twenty-one, I read a quote in My Utmost for His Highest that has greatly influenced me ever since: “When you deliberately choose to obey God, He will tax the remotest star and the last grain of sand to assist you with all His almighty power.” Over the years God has asked me to do many hard things; things that others have deemed crazy or impossible. And this statement from My Utmost has been a timely reminder, time and time again, that what God calls us to, He also equips me for – no matter how difficult it is.
In this week’s blog I share a short, powerful exhortation about doing hard things through the strength and power of God. (This is an exhortation I often give to my own soul in those agonizing moments of decision.) The Christian life isn’t meant to be easy, the Narrow Way of the Cross isn’t meant to be soft. Men, are you willing to do the hard things God asks of you? Remember to embrace difficulty is to embrace Christ!
Do IT!
Do it. Do the hard thing. Speak it. Share it.
Do it. Do the hard thing.
Easy is the aim of the dainties
Difficulty the game of the mighties
Self serving is the choice of the weak
Self sacrifice the way of the greats
So do it. Do that hard thing.
When you deliberately choose to obey and you rise up to move
All Heaven will stand behind you, God Himself will prove
That He will tax the remotest star and the last grain of sand
To radically assist you when you take Him by the hand
So do it. Do that hard thing.
Never throughout history has the way of God been trouble-free
It’s always been duly lined with hurts, hurdles, and dark debris
So don’t coddle the flesh and excuse yourself of a soldier’s commission
Move forward in this battle and and declare your determined position
Make it clear, here and now, that onward is your decision
And note that for the soldier of the Cross there is no right of recision
Pain free is the goal of the cold
Challenge is the thrill of the bold
Cowardice is the state of the lout
Courage is the stuff of the stout
So do it. Do that hard thing.
Don’t you know that to embrace difficulty is to embrace your Christ
For with every cross comes an even closer tie to His unending Life
To say yes to this challenge is to say yes to your Savior
To say yes to this pain is to demonstrate His very behavior
For He said yes to His Father’s commission and He boldly gave
He emptied himself and surrendered His will in just this same way
So do it. Do that hard thing.
This is the way of love, the way of Truth, the way of the Man
This is the way that changes history – it’s when the man decides to stand
So do it. Do that hard thing.
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