On behalf of our entire Ellerslie team, thank you for supporting this ministry! We are so deeply blessed by friends like you who stand with us as we seek to build bravehearted Christians for such a time as this!
As a small token of our appreciation, we’ve included a link to a digital copy of Eric Ludy’s book The Bold Return of the Dunces. This short, engaging book casts a powerful vision for God’s pattern for bravehearted Christians; men and women who fearlessly stand upon the timeless Word of God, courageously bear the stigma of Christ, and share in the fellowship of His sufferings, in order that the Lamb that was slain may receive the reward of His sufferings. We hope you are inspired by it!
If you have additional questions as to our specific needs, projects, etc, or other ways you can partner with us, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].
Once again, we so appreciate you!
With much gratitude,