Take A look inside ellerslie online training!
Below you can watch the first few videos in our Ellerslie Online Training program to catch a glimpse of the heart and vision behind this powerful course.
Nathan shares about our Ellerslie Online Program!
Leslie shares about our Ellerslie Online Program.
“I found myself thunderstruck many times throughout the course. There were many small, poignant God moments where He reminded me in no uncertain terms to sit up and press into this teaching.”

Kristin M.
EO Alumni
Eric and Nathan welcome you to Ellerslie Online and give a vision for what to expect as you walk through this life-changing training.
“The structure of the program is so helpful to refocus and return to the foundation and the center of our faith. We are thankful to hear the Gospel in simplicity and power and to internalize the freedom of not needing to do good works, but to be in Christ, having Him living in us, and being changed by Him from the inside out.”

Daniel & Madeleine S.
EO Alumni
Eric talks about what is missing in modern Christianity and casts a powerful vision for the “something more” that God intends us to discover and embrace.
“After the second session, I dropped to my knees by my office desk weeping because Jesus met me at a time I needed to hear His voice. [My husband and I] have always been vision-oriented in our marriage and in raising our children, but this course is helping us refine the vision He has given us for our marriage, family, and ministry ... To God be the Glory!”

Dara H.
EO Alumni
Leslie shares practical tips on how to make the most of this training program, and talks candidly about how to make spiritual growth a priority even in the midst of our busy lives.
“When I started I was hoping to renew my love for Jesus and to learn how to pray in a much bolder way. The teachings, books, and diving deeper into Scripture have all helped move me into a deeper relationship with Jesus.”

Sue G.
EO Alumni
Nathan shares an exciting vision for how you can pursue a daily, passionate relationship with Jesus Christ.
“This program has been wonderful! I normally have a Bible class with my three oldest children in the morning, and we are now using that time to be a part of the training ... God has liberty to stir up, edify, and sharpen our family to allow Him to live practically through us! As I get to travel and see the condition of many churches, your testimony and declaration of the Gospel is much needed!”

Mike A.
EO Alumni