A Summer 2021 Daily Thunder Series
Presented by Nathan Johnson

God's Eternal Purpose and Plan
In Ephesians 3:8-13 Paul expounds upon about the unfathomable, incredible, and manifold richness of Jesus Christ. Yet more than an euphoric expression of the greatness of our God, Paul explains God’s eternal purpose and plan which is centered upon and fulfilled in Christ Jesus. In this special five-part mini-series, Nathan Johnson dives into this powerful passage and walks through five key concepts centered upon God’s eternal purpose and plan found in our precious Jesus.
Click on a part below to get started:
God’s Mysterious Plan for Your Life
August 16, 2021
God has a “mysterious plan” that He is accomplishing and bringing about in Christ Jesus. This plan, though hidden for ages in God, has come to light and is to be made known to the world. In this expositional study of Ephesians 3:9, Nathan Johnson examines Paul’s declaration and explains not only what the mystery is but how we as Christians are supposed to showcase it everyday of our lives.
The Manifold Wisdom of God
August 17, 2021
The body of Christ (the Church) has the tremendous privilege to declare the manifold wisdom of God to the heavenly realms. The way we as Christians live here on earth becomes a declaration to the world around us and to the heavenlies that God is still God, He is enthroned on high, and all the promises in Him are still yes and amen. In this expositional study of Ephesians 3:10, Nathan Johnson explores this amazing mystery and describes not only what the manifold wisdom of God is but explains how we get to showcase the life and wisdom of God to the universe.
God’s Eternal Purpose
August 18, 2021
God has an eternal purpose that He is bringing about in Christ Jesus. From eternity past, through all the Old Testament, and continues to today, His divine plan will be brought about. In this expositional message from Ephesians 3:11, Nathan Johnson gives an introduction to God’s eternal purpose and gives three practical ways we can live in His will and plan.
Our Bold, Confident Access to God’s Presence
August 19, 2021
Believers have access to the throne room of the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Creator of the Universe. In Ephesians 3:12, Paul says that our access unto God is not one of trepidation or fear but one of bold confidence. In this expositional study, Nathan explains our bold, confident access to God and the amazing wonder of such access.
The Triumph of Tribulation
August 20, 2021
Tribulations and trials are supposed to be our triumph in the Christian life! As believers, we shouldn’t shy away from difficulties, but as Paul commands, we should embrace them. Why? Because we know how God is using them in our lives. In this expositional study, Nathan examines Ephesians 3:13 and Paul’s reminder that we should not lose heart at his tribulations but rather recognize that tribulations are our glory and boast. You can triumph in tribulation! And in this message, Nathan gives five ways you can do so.