A Daily Thunder Series with Eric Ludy
The Practice of Remarkable Living in an Everyday World
Part 1: Win One For The Gipper
A child often doesn’t see the great sacrifice of a parent. In fact, they more often than not, take their parent’s care and attentions for granted and even grumble and whine with complaint when the parent falls short of perfection. It’s unfortunate, but few wake up from this childish slumber and actually see the magnificence of parental sacrifice. Of course, in a much bigger and eternal sense, most never wake up to see the magnificence of their Heavenly Father’s sacrifice on their behalf either. And that is why this episode, and this entire series, is of great value. It’s a fresh reminder to never take for granted the breath in our lungs and the precious people God has placed along the pathway of our lives.
Part 2: The Gift of a New Beginning
This is episode two in Eric’s powerful new series entitled, Legendary. In this series, Eric is showcasing the world-altering impact of a simple life lived well. Each of the episodes in this series unpacks a dimension of his father’s life and beautifully illustrates the importance of doing the small things as if they were truly big things.
Unfortunately we do not have a video for this session (only audio),
we apologize for the inconvenience.
Part 3: Jamaica Mon
This is episode three in Eric’s series entitled, Legendary. In this episode Eric unpacks the impact of his German heritage on his life and how his dad chose to deliberately move away from the strict, disciplined, production-oriented methodology of his background in order to create an atmosphere of laughter, celebration, and affectionate warmth in the Ludy home.
Part 4: Lowercase Love
This is episode four in Eric’s series entitled, Legendary. In this episode Eric explores the powerful intent of fatherhood and how it is profoundly positioned to reveal God Himself. In this series, he is using his own father as an illustration of these amazing truths, making them more bite-sized for us tiny humans to swallow.
Part 5: In the Studio with My Son, Hudson
This is a fun fifth episode in Eric’s series entitled Legendary. Changing up the pace, Eric brings Hudson, his eldest son, into the Ellerslie studio and they talk about the legacy of Winston Ludy.
Links mentioned in the show:
Hudson’s Dragon Mountain Kickstarter Campaign
And we did find the interview with Hudson from 6.5 years ago. It wasn’t a Daily Thunder episode, but it’s definitely worth watching.
Eric and Hudson’s Interview (when Hudson was 12)
Part 6: The Dirt on My Dad
If you are a fellow father, it’s tough hearing Eric brag and brag about how his dad was so amazing. It’s especially difficult, if you don’t feel like you are doing so hot in the fatherhood department. In this sixth episode in the series, Eric allows a bit of a wrinkle in his Dad’s fathering to be revealed. Winston Ludy was a flawed father, but it’s how he responded to his flaws that makes him a father worth bragging about. Hopefully, this will encourage all father’s out there to start today being incredible.
Part 7: Doing the Hard Things
This is the seventh episode in Eric’s powerful series about his late father. In this particular episode Eric shares some powerful moments in his relationship with his dad that demonstrated the grace of God to do hard things in obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Part 8: The Power of Blessing
This is the eighth episode in Eric’s powerful series about his late father. In this particular episode Eric brings us into the moment when his dad gave him a fatherly blessing and declared him to be a man. It is a moment of seismic power in a young Eric Ludy’s life. But this blessing is not reserved only for those privileged to have a father like Winston Ludy—rather, it is available for all those who have a Heavenly Father through faith in Jesus Christ.
Part 9: How Beautiful
This is the ninth episode in Eric’s powerful series entitled Legendary. This particular episode puts the spotlight on a very significant juncture of Eric’s life when he was in the early stages of his romantic relationship with Leslie. It is remarkable to behold how big of an impact godly fatherhood can have upon the romantic/relational side of a young person’s life, when the door is opened to the possibility of it.
Part 10: Leaving Everything
This is the tenth episode in Eric’s powerful series entitled Legendary. This particular episode highlights Eric’s father’s willingness to give up everything in order to help his kids. It’s an amazing picture of the Christ-life in and through the lens of family devotion and sacrifice.
Part 11: The Fellowship of Suffering
This is the eleventh episode in Eric’s powerful series entitled Legendary. This particular episode explores the transformative power of shared experience and kindred fellowship. When Eric was in the midst of his darkest hour, his dad joined him there—forever altering Eric’s life and perspective.
Part 12: Goodbye, Daddy
This is the twelfth and final message in Eric’s powerful series entitled Legendary. In this episode Eric finishes off the series with style with a meditation on the hope we all have in Jesus Christ in and through death along with fun bonus correspondences between him and his father.