A Daily Thunder Series with Nathan Johnson
Life in the Word
Experience the incredible reality of living in Jesus and His Word
The grand message of the Gospel is that we not only have new life, but that life is Jesus Christ Himself. We are told that Christ is our life (Colossians 3:3–4) and we are to live through Him (1 John 4:9). We are reminded that as Christians, we have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer us who live, but Christ lives in us (Galatians 2:20). In short, our lives are no longer our own, for we were bought with a price, therefore, we should glorify God with our lives (1 Corinthians 6:19–20).
In this twelve-part series, Nathan Johnson explores the incredible reality of living in the Word—both in the Living Word (Jesus) and in His written Word (Scripture). We will examine the essence of Christianity, how to live and abide in His life, and how to study the Bible for the purpose of knowing Christ Jesus more.
Unfortunately we do not have a video for this session (only audio), we apologize for the inconvenience.
Part 1: Abiding and Abounding in Christ
As Christians, we are called to live from and through the life of Christ. Because we have been crucified with Christ, we are no longer our own, for we have been bought with a price. As we start this new series examining “Life in the Word,” Nathan sets the foundation by talking about the importance of abiding and abounding in Jesus Christ.
Part 2: Knowing Jesus
If we are going to experience life in Christ, we must first know Him—not an academic, informational knowing, but a deep, relational, intimate kind of knowing. I can know a lot about Jesus and never actually know Him personally. The declaration of the New Testament is that we must know our God and have relationship with Him. In this message, Nathan dives into His favorite Greek word (ginōskō) and describes the kind relationship we are to have with Jesus Christ.
Part 3: Friendship with the Living God
As believers, we have a choice of who we will grow in friendship with—the world or with the Living God. And as incredible as it is to grasp, God wants an intimate friendship with us. Yes, God loves us, but even more profound is that He likes us and wants to spend time with us. In this study, we examine the difference between agapē and phileō love in Scripture and discuss three ways God’s friendship with us should affect our lives.
Part 4: The Poetry of Christ
If we are going to live in and through Christ, the question becomes how do we do it? Scripture makes it clear that it is not through mental toughness and physical talent, but through allowing God to live His live in and through us. In this message, we examine the concept of practical living, “work,” and “doing things for God”—but in the biblical context of being filled with God’s life and Spirit.
Unfortunately we do not have a video for this session (only audio),
we apologize for the inconvenience.
Part 5: Dancing Beyond WWJD
In ballroom dance, the woman responds to the lead of the man. In the Christian life, the believer depends upon and responds to the lead of Christ. Jesus used the analogy of a vine and branch—and as Christians, we are called to a life of absolute surrender, total dependence, and continual abiding in the Vine, Jesus. In this study, we examine a life that is beyond “WWJD” and discover what it means to rely, depend, abide, and surrender minute-by-minute to our precious Savior.
Unfortunately we do not have a video for this session (only audio),
we apologize for the inconvenience.
Part 6: God is Speaking
God is speaking! He is not silent. The question throughout Scripture is not “does God speak?” but rather, “am I listening and obeying?” If we desire to have life in Christ, we must know, hear, and obey His voice. In this study, we examine the voice of God throughout Scripture, discover God’s primary means of communicating to us, and discuss what it means to stand naked before the Word so we can receive His grace and mercy.
Part 7: The Purpose for coming to Scripture
As believers, we know we should read and study Scripture … but why? While we may come to the Bible for a variety of reasons, there must be two primary motivating reasons for spending time in God’s Word. In this study, Nathan Johnson discusses the “why” of spending time in Scripture and reminds us that it should be a delight, not a duty; a “get to!” not a “have to.”
Part 8: you Need Heartburn
The entire Bible is a declaration of the Person and work of Jesus Christ; every page of Scripture points to the Author and His finished work upon the Cross. And we need a fresh revelation of Jesus from the Word. In this study, Nathan examines Luke 24 and how Jesus opened the Scriptures to two of His disciples, giving them “spiritual heartburn.” He not only talks about Jesus being the focus and fulfillment of all of Scripture, but our desperate need to experience heartburn as well.
Part 9: The Author Lives Inside You
Reading and studying Scripture is an incredible privilege, not just because it’s God’s Word, but because we get to study with the Author Himself. If we are going to have “life in the Word,” we must not only abide in the Bible, we must live (and study) in light of the Author dwelling within us. In this message, Nathan explores the concept of abiding in the Word of God and what it means for the Author (God) to dwell within our lives through His Holy Spirit—especially when we read and study Scripture.
Part 10: Saturation of Scripture
While most Christians skim the surface of Scripture, we should strive to live within it. This should not an occasional visit, but a lifelong pursuit of knowing our God, to continually dwell in His presence and Word. In this study, Nathan talks about “saturation” and why it’s vital to our reading and study of Scripture. As believers, we must not merely dip our toes into God’s Word, we need to plunge in its depths and breathe deeply its truths.
Part 11: How to Abide in the Word
Christians are called to abide and abound in Christ … but what does it mean to practically abide in Christ and how do we do it? In this study, Nathan not only examines what Scripture says about abiding and the evidence that you are abiding in Christ, but he also gives three practical ways to deepen your abiding relationship with Jesus right now.
Part 12: LIFE in the Word
The goal of discipleship and spiritual growth is full maturity and conformity to Christ—to be Christlike and walk in godliness and holiness in everything we think, say, and do. While this is an impossible standard to live in our own abilities, it IS possible through the empowerment of God’s Spirit within us. As believers, we are called to continually and intentionally live in the Living Word (Jesus) and the Written Word (Scripture). As we conclude this series on “Life in the Word,” Nathan exhorts us to do just that: live (abide) in the Word.