A Daily Thunder Series with Eric Ludy and Nathan Johnson
Eric and Nathan's Life Lessons
Part 1: The Endless Frontier
In this first life lesson, Eric and Nathan examine the principle of the Endless Frontier. This concept has deeply impacted how they both live and has become a simple phrase often used at Ellerslie to remind everyone to never pitch their tents and that Christianity is an endless pursuit.
Part 2: Personalized
In this second life lesson, Eric and Nathan talk about the importance of making God’s Word personal. Far too many believers know general truths but never practically apply them to their specific situations. Scripture needs to become personalized in our lives. This episode will show you how.
Part 3: In the Shepherd's Shadow
In this third life lesson, Eric and Nathan talk about the importance of waiting. As Christians we have the tendency to either rush faster than God is moving or never want to move from where we are at. The reality of the Christian life is that we must keep in stride with our Shepherd—it is only then, that we experience His protection, provision, and direction in our lives.
Part 4: Rules Vs. RElationship
In this fourth life lesson, Eric and Nathan talk about the radical difference between rules and relationships. Many believers tend to lean toward legalism and attempt to produce righteousness in our own strength and ability; but the Christian life is not based on our ability but Christ’s. In this episode, Eric and Nathan talk about the importance of gaining a new perspective on Scripture, God, and Christianity, and live in the freeing reality of relationship rather than rules.
Part 5: Piles of Stones
Numerous times throughout the Bible we are told to remember and not forget. Yet we naturally drift toward forgetfulness unless we are intentional. In this life lesson, Eric and Nathan talk about the importance of having “piles of stones,” different ways to remember, and the one thing we tend often don’t do when we create a system to remember. As we head into this new season, we hope this reminder on “remembering” will spur you toward keeping God’s faithfulness in full view.
Part 6: The Principle of No
Is it more spiritual to say “yes” or to say “no”? While we may not publicly ask the question, many of us have struggled with priorities and determining what to say yes to and when to say no. In this conversation, Eric and Nathan discuss the principle of no, the importance of knowing your “yes,” and how a no frees us up to say “yes” to what matters most.
Part 7: Mary Style
Though Mary and Martha were sisters with similar names, their approach to Jesus was drastically different. In this life lesson, Eric and Nathan talk about their struggles living as “Marthas” and their desire to have the lifestyle of Mary. While Martha was right in her focus, we need recalibrate and becoming “more right” like Mary.
Part 8: The Benefit of MAnure
While most people get as far from manure as possible, there is a great benefit that comes from it when we allow God to use it in our lives. In this life lesson, Eric and Nathan talk about manure, it’s benefits, and how we can leverage difficulty and problems in our lives for the glory of God. Mentioned in this episode: A Bully Buffalo Hunt and Ellerslie Discipleship Training.
Part 9: Discovering God's Provision
There is a stunning story from the pilgrims as they came to America that shows the providence and provision of our God. In this life lesson, Eric and Nathan use this story to illustrate a profound truth they have discovered in their lives—God is Jehovah Jireh, the God who provides.
Part 10: The Principle of the Puddle
As we talked about in the last life lesson, God is Jehovah Jireh, the God of provision. In this life lesson, Eric and Nathan take the concept even further and talk about the puddle principle and how we can trust and depend upon God’s supply even if all we see is a tiny puddle. As they remind us, God has an endless aquifer of grace available to every believer. Eric and Nathan also talk about Ellerslie Online and invite you to join them in a go-at-your-own-pace online discipleship program, available for a limited time. Learn more at: www.ellersliestudents.com/ellerslieonline
Part 11: The Upside Down Kingdom
In this life lesson, Eric and Nathan talk about how Christianity is an upside down kingdom and how this, though completely counter to the world, is actually a really good thing. They summarize this concept with the biblical term “gentleness”—the opposite spirit. As they talk about this incredible truth, they unpack how we as believers can practically walk in God’s upside down kingdom. Eric and Nathan also talk about Ellerslie Online and invite you to join them in a go-at-your-own-pace online discipleship program, available for a limited time. Learn more at:
Part 12: Leap for Joy
In this life lesson, Eric and Nathan discuss one of their favorite concepts: leaping for joy. Regardless of circumstance or situation, we are called to choose joy and live empowered by the Holy Spirit. Not only do they describe joy, but they also discuss where it is found, how to live in it continually, and beginnings steps to live a life of “rejoicing always.” They also talk about Ellerslie scholarship giveaway where 10 full-ride scholarships will be given to this year’s discipleship training. If you are interested in joining Eric, Nathan, and the Ellerslie team for a season of discipleship, we encourage you to consider entering the giveaway by February 15. Learn more at: www.ellersliestudents.com/scholarship-giveaway-2024
Part 13: The Low Path
In the greatest demonstration of humility, God became man; the highest became low. In this life lesson, Eric and Nathan talk about one of the chief characteristics of a Christian: humility. As they remind us, though our culture balks at its importance, the Kingdom of God is built on its foundation. If you are interested in joining Eric, Nathan, and the Ellerslie team for a season of discipleship, we encourage you to consider entering the giveaway by February 15. Learn more at: www.ellersliestudents.com/scholarship-giveaway-2024
Part 14: Making a Masterpiece
In one of the world’s greatest pieces of art, Michelangelo’s statue of David, we discover a spiritual truth that is relevant to us all. In this life lesson, Eric and Nathan discuss God’s delight in taking weak, unimpressive vessels and turning them into masterpieces. Throughout the conversation, they specifically talk about prayer and how we need God’s enabling grace and power to do the work, to pray the prayer, to chisel the statue, and to live the life God has called us to live.
Part 15: Preaching to Your Soul
Christians never graduate from the basic foundations of the faith … and as such, we need to exhort our souls and preach truth to ourselves. In this life lesson, Eric and Nathan discuss why preaching to your own soul is important for the days in which we live, and give a couple of examples for how to do so.
Part 16: Always the Same
God is always the same … and that is a very good thing. In this final episode of the Life Lessons series, Eric and Nathan discuss God’s primary attribute: His constancy and “always” nature. Because God never changes, we can put our full trust, hope, and faith in Him—this truth becomes a bedrock for the soul and radically changes how we live.