a study in the amazing power of purposeful action
Sunday, March 21, 2021
As humans, our motto in response to the Holy Spirit’s petition for those much-needed life alterations, tends to be, “Not yet”.
Not yet is a well-known phrase baked deep in the self-tendencies of our nature. We are wired to procrastinate on those difficult steps of obedience that lead to robust life changes. What’s funny is we really do want the change to happen and we crave the freedom and fruitfulness the change would bring about. But to actually activate the change is hard and is often met with a thousand little hesitations and micro-justifications.
This message is all about the forward action of the Christian life and how it works mechanically. It’s about those micro-steps upward that must be taken in order for God’s purposes to actually unfold in our lives. And it’s about the amazing power that is unlocked in the Christian life when we say, “yes” to God and “no” to our indolent natures.

Monday, March 22, 2021
The Bold Turnaround // Living Dangerously – Part 1 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Nathan Johnson)
This is the first installment in a five part series entitled Living Dangerously. In this series, Eric Ludy and Nathan Johnson unpack the thoughts and ideas of Eric’s full-length message entitled Living Dangerously (which he delivered on Sunday, March 21, 2021). This particular episode explores the important inner-working of the soul to agree with God and aggressively slough off the weights that are hindering us from forward movement toward freedom and fruitfulness.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Inured for Manly Action // Living Dangerously – Part 2 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Nathan Johnson)
This is the second installment in a five part series entitled Living Dangerously. In this series, Eric Ludy and Nathan Johnson unpack the thoughts and ideas of Eric’s full-length message entitled Living Dangerously (which he delivered on Sunday, March 21, 2021). This particular episode unpacks the ideas revealed in Haggai about the indolence of the Jewish people to justify focusing on their own lives while leaving the temple in ruins and how often we can do the same. We, as the Body of Christ, need to forsake our indolence and be inured for manly action.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Tactics for an Effective Life // Living Dangerously – Part 3 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Nathan Johnson)
This is the third installment in a five part series entitled Living Dangerously. In this series Eric Ludy, Nathan Johnson, and Dan McConnaughey unpack the thoughts and ideas of Eric’s full-length message entitled Living Dangerously (which he delivered on Sunday, March 21, 2021). This particular episode explores the super-practical side of the Christian life, from how we master getting out of bed in the morning to how we become excellent in handling difficult people. The Christian witness is won or lost at this micro-level of decision and action.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
The Defining Decision // Living Dangerously – Part 4 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Nathan Johnson)
This is the fourth installment in a five part series entitled Living Dangerously. In this series Eric Ludy and Nathan Johnson unpack the thoughts and ideas of Eric’s full-length message entitled Living Dangerously (which he delivered on Sunday, March 21, 2021). This particular episode places us in the position of King Solomon and presents us with the very same golden opportunity the he himself received from God. In summary: If God granted you one wish, what would you ask for?
Friday, March 26, 2021
The Divine Domino Effect // Living Dangerously – Part 5 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Nathan Johnson)
This is the fifth and final installment in a five part series entitled Living Dangerously. In this series Eric Ludy and Nathan Johnson, along with special guest Leslie Ludy, unpack the thoughts and ideas of Eric’s full-length message entitled Living Dangerously (which he delivered on Sunday, March 21, 2021). This particular episode talks about the impact that the primary actions of our souls have upon the rest of our lives. There is a Divine domino effect that takes place when we simply start where God asks us to start.