We as men face moments in our life when the soul is proven, the character tested, and the tensile tried.
November 3rd, 2020 is such a day for the men of the United States of America.
It draws the dross of self-consideration up to the surface. It brings the impurities of craven-comfort up for examination along with the idolatry of ease. Great difficulty for the true Christian is on the ballot this election. For the infrastructure of righteousness is being voted on tomorrow. Do we want to go in the direction of truth and justice — or do we prefer lies and lawlessness?
This is much more than a vote over a political apparatus — it’s a vote on the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Many of us as men have never really been put to the test. As a result, we are not quite sure what is inside us. We may be confessors of faith, but are we built for suffering and difficulty? We may be believers in the Lord, but have we been constructed by the Holy Spirit to endure all things, to stand firm amidst the storms, and to persevere to the end?
Tomorrow is a wonderful opportunity to witness the quality of our soul condition.
If lies and lawlessness is selected by this country as the preferred underpinning, will we, as men, be ready to stand strong for Jesus, unabashedly — and carry His light, His love, and His truth with boldness and courage?
If truth and justice is elected by this country as the preferred underlayment, will we, as men, be ready to take full advantage of the liberty and bring His light, His love, and His truth to bear upon this world with gusto?
Paul said it this way in the fourth chapter of Philippians . . .
I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content: I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry,
both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Whether living in a country offering me religious freedom or a country telling me I have no freedom — I must be ready as a man of God to abound in Christ — to showcase the power, the love, and the winsome warmth of His grand mercies to this lost and dying world.
November 3rd, 2020 is a big day for the men of the United States of America.
But, compared to the Passover Day nearly 2,000 years ago on which Christ died, it’s quite paltry. Jesus has gone before us, via His extraordinary victory at the Cross and grave and has stripped the enemy of his power. So all of us that follow bearing our miniature crosses, have nothing to fear. Victory is sure. The time of the man is the golden opportunity to show the pithy power of Christ’s triumph.
There are many predictions about tomorrow’s election. To me, there is ONE thing that matters — one thing that I want to hold on to no matter what the outcome.
Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords!
He is seated at the right hand of Majesty and all things are beneath His feet! He is in control. He has won the victory. And soon He will return and restore all things.
So, whatever happens tomorrow we, as Christian men, are to take the offensive not the defensive position. We are the bearers of the King’s message. We are carriers of the King’s agenda. We are deliverers of the singular hope that the nations of this earth MUST hear. We have a job to do and the outcome of this election doesn’t change that fact.
If God is for us, who can stand against us!
Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in this world!
As Christian men, we do not fear as do others!
As Christian men, we do not panic as do others!
As Christian men, we do not hold on to earthly comforts as if they are our great prize!
As Christian men, we do not cling to our lives as if they are ours to keep!
Instead, no matter the obstacle, no matter the challenge, no matter the impossilbiities — we, as Christian men, dare to believe, dare to stand, and dare to shout the truth with both our lives and our voices.
This is our hour!
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