Our Passion in a nutshell…Truth-based discipleship for such a time as this!
Discipleship. It’s a word that many Christians today are backing away from. After all, it doesn’t sport the social polish that other more correct and sensitive words boast. People nowadays prefer their words served up with syrups and glaze. Meanwhile, Discipleship is more akin to a thick piece of beef jerky. It’s healthy and packed with protein, but it demands some serious jaw exercises in order to swallow it. Discipleship. I may be a bit strange, but I really like the word. I realize that I’m in the minority today in a mainstream Christian world where terms like mentoring and life-coaching have become the big boys on the block. But, discipleship has something that those terms just can’t muster. First off, mentoring and life-coaching are dressed in suit coats and pressed slacks, while discipleship is dressed in battle fatigues. The word discipleship is built for action in a time of war, while its hip, modern counterparts are built more for sounding smart in a board room.
Discipleship. It has a five o’clock shadow on its chin, a bit of dried blood caked on its cheek, a stream of sweat cascading down its forehead, and the distinct smell of old-school cologne wafting behind it everywhere it marches. Discipleship. It’s a word for the serious Christian: the ones who want to surrender all, give up everything, be used of God to tackle the powers of darkness, and to really see this world set free from its sin.
Discipleship. It’s a word for the passionate Christian: the ones who simply refuse to accept mediocrity in their own lives or in the life of the Church around them. Discipleship. It’s a word that is meant for the serious Christian who is willing to follow the Lamb wherever he leads – no matter the cost. Mentoring and lifecoaching, on the other hand, denote suggestions, encouragements, and tidbits of wisdom. Discipleship oversees change, growth, and reformation. Lifecoaching, on the other hand, oversees people who are set on doing things their own way while graciously enduring casual, non-preachy input over steaming coffee mugs and chocolate bon-bons. So, call me strange, but with a dying world in desperate need of the thunderclap of the Gospel, I’m interested in offering good, old-fashioned discipleship and not a newfangled solution.
Discipleship. This is the stuff that ancient Christianity was built on. And, simply put, it’s the stuff that we need as the Body of Christ today if we are really serious about getting the ancient strength back.
Discipleship. It’s a word that indicates the purposeful impartation of the Life of Jesus Christ from one Christian to another. Discipleship. It’s a word that sort of grows on you. Because it’s a word that simply will not let you remain as you now are. If you are interested in true discipleship, you’ve come to the right place. Because truth-based discipleship is our greatest passion here at Ellerslie.
The Ellerslie campus is special. The original builders back in 1997 envisioned this place as a refuge from the storms of life, a bastion of Scriptural promulgation, and a global instrument of grace-infused training. They wrote Scriptures on every 2×4 and prayed that what took place inside and around these walls would bring life to the Body of Christ and glory to the King of all kings. We believe their prayers are being answered. For what is taking place here on this very unique and special property is the opposite of what is taking place in the world at present. Here at 655 Southwood Lane, we are cherishing life, truth, purity, love, and humility.
We are holding up the one singular thing on earth that can bring life out of death, light out of darkness, and hope out of any and every dead end — His Name is Jesus. In a time when it would appear the powers of darkness have the upper hand, we all need to be freshly reminded that God is working mightily to bring back the grand majesty of His Church. Oh, for the wonderful privilege of actually participating in His glorious resuscitating work!

The Ellerslie Story
In 1993 a twenty-two year old named Eric Ludy was agonizing over his own powerlessness to live out the high calling of the Christian life. Through many tears, and many months of staring squarely at the Scriptures and contrasting it with his own life, and discovering the enabling grace that can only found in a surrendered relationship with Jesus Christ, Eric Ludy began to express the deep burden that was sitting upon his soul. He laid out on paper for a “return of the ancient growl.” And it was in this “essay” that he articulated the formation of a band of believers that would be built by the Holy Spirit of God to take the grand and timeless message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations with bravehearted moxie.
This essay was simply known to him as “Men of Honor.” And after seventeen years of intensive prayer to see this vision formed, Eric and his wife Leslie saw the first stage of fulfillment unfurl in the launch of Ellerslie Discipleship Training in 2009, with the first students arriving May of 2010 for the first Ellerslie semester.
The interest for this training was immense — drawing passionate, serious-minded Christians from around the globe to Windsor, Colorado. This unique magnetic pull upon these fervent saints created a rallying point for like-minded men and women around the world — men and women that all fervently asked God for the return of strength and majesty to the Church of Jesus Christ. Over the past 10+ years Ellerslie has trained over 2,000 Christians of all ages and backgrounds in Gospel-centered living.
Eric and Leslie Ludy still lead the work of Ellerslie Discipleship Training and are surrounded by an almost identical team to the one that they started out with back in 2009. Ellerslie’s staff is beloved for its deep spiritual maturity, its deep practical love for the Body of Christ, and its deep passion to see Christ remain preeminent in every teaching and every discussion.