Watch the Trilogy
The Return of Majesty: Unearthing the lost glory
Majesty. The word invokes images of elk and eagles, towering mountains and awe-inspiring vistas — but there once was a majesty to the lives of Christians that turned the world upside down. Though majesty appears lost in our modern age, there is a stirring amongst the remnant of believers who still boldly stand upon God’s Word — willing to live and die for the renown and glory of Jesus Christ.
Message by Eric Ludy
Film Duration: 11:11
Film One of the trilogy
The Return of Majesty: Unearthing the Lost Glory
Hebrews 11:6 says that, “he that comes to God must believe that HE IS, and that HE IS a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.” Throughout the Old and New Testaments, God reveals who He is through the names and attributes given. With a chorus of voices, this short film declares the names of God as revealed in progression throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Bow your knee in awe and reverence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
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Message by Eric Ludy
Film Duration: 6:30
Film Two of the trilogy
The Return of Majesty: Unearthing the Lost Glory
Whatever happened to the lay-it-all-on-the-line commitment to the cause of Christ and the die-if-I-must attitude toward defending truth and Scripture? Where did the radical abandon to seek and save the lost disappear to; or where has the burning need to stand against evil, to break the jaws of the wicked in order to ransom the oppressed, the orphaned, the widowed and the enslaved gone? Where is the holy boldness, the courage, and the daring needed to birth the Truth of Christ into this God-forsaking culture? Because we need them, and we need them now! Discover Christianity as it was meant to be and allow this call for heroes to beckon you onward and upward.
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Message by Eric Ludy
Film Duration: 8:09
Film Three of the trilogy
The Return of Majesty: Unearthing the Lost Glory
If you are like most people, the lineages throughout Scripture don’t excite you—unless you know what they point to and how they declare the marvelous workings of Jesus Christ. By examining the meaning of the names in the genealogy from Adam through Jesus, we discover the salvific work and eternal purpose of God. Discover that which was from the beginning and stand in awe of the revelation of God hidden in this linage of majesty. Read the story behind The Lineage of Majesty
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HEAR IT: buy the soundtrack
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