Summer 2021 Daily Thunder Series with Eric Ludy
Alfred is considered in history as “great” not because he was a powerful man, nor because he was a rich man, but because he was a man that stared at dramatic impossibilities and believed that God was able to overcome. Alfred’s story of triumph must be our story of triumph. For it is the story of the ancient Church. When circumstances look their bleakest, such is the hour for the heroes of faith to arise from the ash of difficulty. The Church of Jesus Christ needs to be reminded of our heroic heritage, and we need to be freshly stirred to realize that men and women in history past have faced far more formidable odds and circumstances than we are facing right now in the year 2021. As the powers of darkness sweep across our beloved nation with malevolent intent, it is our hope that the Church regain its ancient swagger and freshly rally to the Cross of Christ, brandishing the ancient spiritual weaponry entrusted to us at Pentecost. May men and women like Alfred once again arise to meet the Viking invasion.
Part 1: June 14, 2021
The Unlikely Hero // Spiritual Lessons from Alfred the Great 01 (Eric Ludy)
This is the exciting first episode of an epic summer Daily Thunder series drawing on the legendary life of Alfred the Great. Vegas odds are stacked against the Church of Jesus Christ in the year 2021 just as they were stacked against Alfred over eleven hundred years ago. We appear weak, downtrodden, vulnerable, and on our heels. And yet, every great hero in Scripture starts in that exact position. God seems to delight in taking the least likely of circumstances and the least likely of people and showcasing His magnificent plot-twisting powers in and through them. In the year 872 the Vegas odds were against Alfred and his future portended hopelessness, yet all these many years later we refer to this guy, as Alfred the Great. Why? Because God enjoys proving the Vegas oddsmakers wrong. Alfred’s story is remarkable, and ours should be, too.
Part 2: June 16, 2021
The Behavior of Royalty // Spiritual Lessons from Alfred the Great 02 (Eric Ludy)