In this episode he examines the U.S. Army’s famed 1st Infantry Division and the profound significance of their two nicknames, “The Fighting First” and “The Big Red One…”
447: In the Sands of Omaha // Spiritual Lessons from WW2 — Part 67
This is the sixty-seventh installment in Eric’s series entitled Spiritual Lessons from WW2. In this episode we join the 230 boys from A Company as they land on Omaha beach in the early morning hours of June 6, 1944…
446: The Importance of the One (Nathan Johnson)
Nathan Johnson talks about the necessity of understanding context in Scripture and uses the story of Jesus casting out the demons in one man from the book of Mark as an illustration how Jesus cares for one and how that one person can change the world…
445: Being Reviled (Leslie Ludy)
In this special Daily Thunder during our Fall Weeklong Discipleship Training, Leslie Ludy talks about being reviled and resented and how we as Christians can biblically respond and grow in the midst of reviling…
444: Anti-Fragile (Dan McConnaughey)
In this special Daily Thunder during our Fall Weeklong Discipleship Training, Dan McConnaughey talks about being anti-fragile in our faith and how trials and problems in our life should make us stronger…
442: Man up! (Colonel Kevin Bouren)
Every man could do with hearing this message — and not just once, but periodically again and again. This is a message spoken directly to men, commissioning them to “man up” as fathers, husbands, ministers, friends, and businessmen. As the darkness grows in our world, so must the men grow up in the strength and authority of Jesus Christ to meet this darkness with the Light of God’s Word.
441: Left of Bang (Dan McConnaughey)
In this thought-provoking message, Dan McConnaughey (a former army ranger) uses physical warfare as a lens to view our spiritual warfare. He explains that we either give the enemy too much credit and don’t live as true believers in the circumstances God has allowed in our lives, or we fail to see and handle the breaches that leave a door open to the enemy…