In this expositional message on the Christian Mindset, Nathan Johnson looks at Philippians 4:8 and the boundaries our minds are to stay within…
492: An Overview of the Christian Mindset (Philippians 4:4–7) // The Christian Mindset 11 (Nathan Johnson)
If you want to gain an overview of what Paul says in Philippians 4:4-7, this is a great way to catch up as we enter into the “whatevers” of Philippians 4:8…
488: The Protection of Peace (Philippians 4:7) // The Christian Mindset 10 (Nathan Johnson)
In this expositional message, Nathan Johnson examines Philippians 4:7 and how everything in our lives should press us unto Jesus Christ and as a result, we experience the incredible peace of God – regardless of circumstance or problem…
473: Abolishing the Old Law and Establishing the New (Ephesians 2:15) // Ephesians Bible Study 55 (Nathan Johnson)
In this expositional sermon, Nathan Johnson examines Paul’s statement in Ephesians 2:15 and discusses the concept that Jesus not only fulfilled but abolished the Old Law in order to create something entirely new…
478: Proclaiming Peace (Ephesians 2:16-17) // Ephesians Bible Study 56 (Nathan Johnson)
In this expositional message from Ephesians 2:14-17, Nathan Johnson talks about the effect of Jesus by being our Prince of Peace.
464: Breaking Down Barriers (Ephesians 2:14-17) // Ephesians Bible Study 54 (Nathan Johnson)
In this expositional message from Ephesians 2:14-17, Nathan Johnson talks about the effect of Jesus by being our Prince of Peace.
459: Jesus is Our Peace (Ephesians 2:14) // Ephesians Bible Study 53 (Nathan Johnson)
In this expositional sermon of Ephesians 2:13, Nathan Johnson talks about being brought near by the blood of Christ and the profound preciouIn this expositional sermon from Ephesians 2:14, Nathan Johnson walks through what biblical peace is and how Jesus becomes peace in our lives in three key areas…sness of the blood of Jesus in our lives…