a study in the strange secret of spiritual strength
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Weakness is sort of like manure. According to most people manure is generally considered a stinky thing — something to get rid of and purposely avoid stepping in. But there are some that look at manure and don’t think “stinky” when they see it — they think “valuable”. A gardener searches high and low for manure, and even is willing to pay top dollar to get it. Why? Because it is an amazing fertilizer. It’s turns struggling gardens into flourishing gardens.
The same is true with weakness. When weakness is cherished as opposed to complained about, it transforms the lives of those that embrace it. And strangely, contrary to its name, it makes one stronger. Just as stinky manure makes a flower garden more fragrant, so situations of weakness, dependence, and humility cultivate serious strength into the life of the believer in Christ. It’s God’s brilliant pattern for building might into the life of His children. But, this grand secret of strength is often missed by Christians because they spend their life strategically avoiding this catalyst of power instead of joyfully tilling it into their soul garden. God deliberately chose weakness as His thoroughfare by which His heavenly strength enters this earth. Let’s embrace His brilliant plan.

Monday, April 19, 2021
Nicknamed Crazy // The Brilliance of Weakness – Part 1 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Nathan Johnson)
This particular episode explores the seemingly backward and upside-down logic of heaven’s approach to winning battles.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Nicknamed Shorty // The Brilliance of Weakness – Part 2 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Dan McConnaughey)
This particular episode dives into the life of Paul the Apostle and demonstrates how God, in the accomplishing of His amazing purpose in this earth, deliberately chooses the unlikely means instead of the obvious means of deliverance.
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Nicknamed Impossible // The Brilliance of Weakness – Part 3 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Philip H)
This particular episode breaks down God’s passion for the impossible. Scripture reveals Him as a big fan of anything and everything that supposedly can’t be done in human ability. If the odds are impossible, that is the best time to bet on God coming through.
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Nicknamed Sacrifice // The Brilliance of Weakness – Part 4 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Dan McConnaughey)
This particular episode discusses the pattern of God to empty our pockets prior to filling them. It’s the poor in spirit that end up gaining the Kingdom of Heaven.
Friday, April 22, 2021
Nicknamed Providence // The Brilliance of Weakness – Part 5 of 5 (Eric Ludy & Philip H)
This particular episode talks about God’s amazing “pre” work throughout history. God is never attempting to catch up with the agenda of evil, He is way WAY ahead of it. The old-fashioned word for this is providence.