A Daily Thunder Series with Nathan Johnson
The Clothing of a Christian
Putting off Sin and Being Clothed with Christ
Part 1: The Depth of Depravity
There is a great depth of depravity in the lives of unbelievers. And while selfishness and sin once marked our lives (in the past), it should no longer be a part of how we live. In Ephesians 4:17–19, Paul describes the old life (and the current life of unbelievers) and boldly argues that this is NOT how we are to live. We are, as Paul exhorts, to put off this former way of living because we have been clothed with Christ.
Part 2: Schooled in Christ
We don’t learn godliness by living in sin; rather, as Paul declares, we have learned Christ for truth is in Jesus. In this study, we examine Ephesians 4:20–21, and Paul’s argument for us to be schooled in Christ.
Part 3: Put Off the Old
What does it mean to “learn Christ”? Paul answers with three specifics—the first being to put off the old man (the corrupt sinful, selfish nature we all have prior to Christ). In this study, we examine Ephesians 4:22 and what it means to “put off” sin so that we might live as new creations in Christ Jesus.
Part 4: Have a Renewed Mind
While we are to put off all sin from our lives and put on the Lord Jesus Christ, Paul exhorts us in Ephesians 4:23 that the spirit of our minds are to be renewed continually. In this study, we examine what the “spirit of your mind” means and how we can continually live in the renewal of our innermost being.
Part 5: Put On the New
In Ephesians 4:24, Paul gives the final aspect of what it means to “learn Christ”—that as we put off sin, so too we must put on Christ. Jesus is our “robe of righteousness” we must be clothed with. In short, our lives are not our own and we must be marked by His life, righteousness, and holiness.
Part 6: The Clothing of a Christian
In Ephesians 4:17–24, Paul gives a tremendous contrast between the life of sin and the life of a believer. In this study, we step back and look at an overview of the entire passage and examine four key aspects we must keep in mind if we are to wear the clothing of a Christian.
Part 7: Therefore …
After Paul exhorts believers to put off sin and put on the Lord Jesus Christ, he gives practical examples of what that means in the everyday areas of our lives. In this episode, Nathan gives a broad overview of Ephesians 4:25–32 and examines the “therefore” of how we practically apply the clothing of a Christian to our lives.