Go behind the scenes and experience a day in the life of an Ellerslie student
by watching the student-produced videos below!

Grace O. | MN, USA
I learned to stand firmly on the foundation of who Jesus is, and to not live the Christian life passively. During my season, I was encouraged to walk in the boldness of Christ, to pursue Him with all my heart and to encourage others to the same in a humble way.


Cheryl K. | OH, USA
If you are looking for a set apart time to immerse yourself in Jesus, this is it — even for those of us that are a little older! The Word is is taught … Truth is proclaimed, and I became more confident in what it means to live "In Christ."


Marshall B. | Canada
"The environment is focused on the Gospel and places the Word of God, Jesus Christ, in His rightful place of authority. With the Bible serving as the foundation, everything else is geared toward fostering a deeper intimacy with Jesus through prayer, study, teaching, and more."


Roy P. | Australia
"I found the discipleship training, preaching, and atmosphere to be foundational to my future ministry endeavors ... I would definitely recommend Ellerslie to anyone who is serious about their relationship with Jesus Christ and wants to live a victorious Christian life."


Kristin Y. | Texas, USA
"Ellerslie is a place to come if you are serious about pursuing Jesus Christ and desire to know Him more. Jesus can draw you closer to Himself anywhere, but Ellerslie has been a really helpful tool for me and a place where He has done that."

Katherine P. | Arizona, USA
"Ellerslie has given me the foundation of faith and truth I was looking for ... and so much more. They provide space to truly dig into Christ and learn to lean on Him through all situations."
David B. | Virginia, USA
"My family spent four months at Ellerslie and absolutely loved our time there. We were all challenged to grow deeper in the Lord and to live totally sold out to Him. We would highly recommend anyone who is hungry for more of the Lord to attend a program!"

Jenny S. | PA, USA
How do I sum up the impact this place has on my life? The lessons in the Basic and the Advanced programs have completely changed the trajectory of my life. It's not just the sessions or the homework, it's the way that the message of the Gospel is presented with such simplicity and power.


Thabeh B. | NY, USA
My season at Ellerslie opened my eyes to what ministry is all about. It’s not about my own ability, strength, or agenda. It’s all about Jesus. When my relationship with Jesus Christ is my highest priority, everything else — even ministry — falls into its rightful place.


Kate H. | CA, USA
God used my time at Ellerslie to continue His sanctifiying work. Through the sessions, staff, fellow students, and time set apart with Him to meditate on all He is, I experienced the beginning of a different type of walk with Christ.


Arnold J. | Faroe Islands
When I first stepped onto the Ellerslie Campus, I thought I had the Christian life figured out — but boy, I was wrong! Hearing the truth about Jesus changed me from the inside out, and little by little sin was removed and the light of the Gospel was making way into my dry soul.


Chantel O. | IN, USA
I have seen the majesty of Christ. I have beheld Him and have not stopped gazing upon Him. I have seen how utterly depraved I am in light of His glory. And this reality has changed me completely.


Benjamin D. | MI, USA
I came to Ellerslie seeking more in my walk with Christ. By the time I was done with the training, I had learned many of the tools necessary for living a Christ-centered life, and had built a foundation for an unshakeable faith in Christ.


Catherine P. | ME, USA
In coming to Ellerslie, my walk with Jesus has, can I say, exploded! Ellerslie has taught me how to have a flourishing intimate relationship with Christ. I’ve been rooted and grounded in the Lord Jesus! It’s a place set apart for HIM!
