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In this series of short but powerful videos, Eric Ludy offers poignant Biblical insights into some of the most difficult issues today's Christians are facing.
Should Christians Appeal to Modern Culture in order to reach it?
A.W. Tozer was very much against the use of film by Christians — should we be too? There is a lot of debate in the Church today as to whether using modern art forms can help us reach the culture with the Gospel, or whether going this direction will cause us to compromise the truth. And there isn't a pat answer to that debate, because it all depends on the nature of the art form being used. In this video, join Eric for a thought-provoking discussion about reaching a lost and dying world in creative ways, without compromising the Truth of Jesus Christ.
How has post-modern thought crept into the church?
Postmodernism cripples Christianity. It is not Christianity. It is an invasion of mushy-minded thinking into the very soundness of God's Word, and it doesn't belong there any more than a serpent belongs in the middle of Christianity. It is the devil's attempt to disturb the foundation of how faith works. Faith is in the Word of God, not in feelings and emotions. In this video, Eric introduces three leading characters that are important to Christianity — Fact, Faith, and Experience. Learn which should have the driver's seat in your life with this week's video.
Should the bible be revised to be more sensitive?
For the Church to remain strong and thriving, there's something we cannot touch, and that is the text of Scripture. If you question the Text of Scripture, you question the Man of Scripture — His name is Jesus. If you question the Man of Scripture, you question the work of Scripture, which is the Cross. When you mess with Scripture, it suddenly becomes man's word instead of God's Word. In this video, Eric unpacks the reasons why we as Christians should never alter God's Word. His Word is true, unchanging just like Him — there is no shadow of turning in Him.
What factors lead to the breakdown of Christianity?
It is no secret that modern Christianity seems weak and fragmented. But this kind of breakdown in the Church of Jesus Christ doesn't happen overnight. When we understand the factors that lead to an unraveling of strong Christianity, we are far less likely to allow it to happen in our own lives, and in the Church at large. In this video, Eric shares about building our Christianity around Jesus and Him crucified and setting Him as our North Star, as well as what happens to the Church when we do.
Why didn't God Answer My Prayer?
When we come to God we bring our best understanding of what He desires, and we ask for that. The fact that we think we know what is best, doesn't actually mean that's what is best. There is One who knows what is best for us, and His name is God Almighty. As a result, what we do is we make our petition known to Him. We submit that request, and we do it with perseverance. We continue in faith and we pray, and pray, and pray...
Truth Christians Most Need
Christians are meant to be the happiest people on earth, no matter what circumstances we face. This only happens when we choose to not merely esteem Scripture, but apply it functionally to our daily lives. In this video, I share what I believe is the most important spiritual truth Christians need today — one that is an absolute game-changer when we truly grasp and apply it. Now, more than ever, we must let God's truth become our daily reality.
What if I feel God has Let me down?
In this video, Eric shares the key to overcoming disappointment with God and passes along some of the most important truths he's learned about faith and wrestling prayer. If you've struggled with discouragement over seemingly unanswered prayer in your life, this will be an encouragement to you.
Why are so many of today's well-known Christians renouncing their faith?
Many of us in the Church are confused and bewildered as we watch one spiritual leader after another lose their passion for Christ or toss away their faith altogether. Why has this tragic pattern become so prevalent today? In this video, Eric shares what he believes is the primary reason that many modern Christians fail to go the distance, and how we can begin to set a different pattern in the Church, for such a time as this.
Is victorious living only for a few special Christians?
Is it true that victorious Christian living is reserved for a special group of believers who have been uniquely blessed with a successful spiritual walk? Or could it be that victorious living is available to any man or woman who is willing to become fully available to God? In this video Eric discusses the fact that spiritual victory is not a mysterious benefit that happens to land randomly on certain Christians. Rather, it's something that each one of us can experience the moment we are willing to say a whole-hearted, "Yes, Lord!"
What is the current state of the modern church?
In Nazi Germany, out of 65 million people, there were 45 million Protestant Christians. And out of those 45 million, only 150,000 of them stood up against Hitler. That's something like three out of every thousand. The Church in America today is on the verge of being just as passive as the Church in Nazi Germany was. In this video, Eric presents a challenge to all of us as modern Christians to rise up and take a stand for Truth — not in the future when things get worse, but right now. Let's not become silent at the very moment we need to speak up.
Why do so many Christians today live defeated lives?
Have you ever wondered why so many Christians today are living in bondage to fear, anger, doubt, and habitual sin? Or maybe you've had those struggles yourself and wondered why the glorious promises of Scripture don't seem real and tangible in your everyday life. In this video, Eric pinpoints the key reason why so many Christians aren't walking in the power and triumph of the Gospel — and what we can do about it. Defeat isn't something we should ever surrender to — it's something we can overcome through the power of Jesus Christ.
How do we reach the culture without being judgmental?
With all the craziness unfolding in our world today, many Christians are struggling with frustration, anger, and disgust — both towards the culture in general and toward other Christians who are going along with whatever seems most socially correct. Maybe you have wondered how to take a stand for truth without being spiteful, embittered, and judgmental in the process. In this video, Eric shares the biblical definition of the kind of "judging" that Christians are called to — it's an operation of love and not fleshly pride. And when we stand boldly for truth in the right spirit, the world can be turned upside down.
Is it unrealistic to pray for revival in today's world?
There are many today who believe our world is too far gone to experience any kind of spiritual renewal, so why bother praying for revival? But we believe, now more than ever, that Christians should be intentionally praying for revival. Not so that things will become easier for us, but so that the Church can once again function as it ought and boldly shine God's light amid a perverse generation. In this video, Eric shares about two different possible outcomes of revival, and why it's so critical that we never stop praying for God to bring a spiritual awakening.