A Daily Thunder Series with Leslie Ludy
Victorious Living
Part 1: Victorious Vision
This is the first episode in Leslie’s seven-part Victorious Living series. As the world around us becomes more hostile toward true Christianity and the Body of Christ becomes more comfortable with mediocrity, each of us must grapple with the question–how far are we willing to go in our devotion to Jesus Christ? Is there such a thing as being too extreme in our commitment to Him? In this message called Victorious Vision, Leslie unpacks the foundational principles of real Christianity and offers practical ways to exchange spiritual apathy for unwavering spiritual passion.
Part 2: Going After More
This is the second episode in Leslie’s seven-part Victorious Living series. In this episode, Going After More, Leslie explores what it means to remove our “safety cones” of self-protection and self-justification, and pour out everything for the glory of our King. We often hesitate to make ourselves fully available to God, but we must never forget that whatever safety cones He asks us to remove, it is always safe to place our dreams, our futures and our lives entirely in the nail-scarred hands of the One who died to save us.
Part 3: Stepping Out of our Comfort Zone
God is calling each of us in such a time as this – are we listening? As Christians, each of us must ask ourselves what we living for – this life, or eternity? In this episode, Leslie challenges us to remove our own personal safety cones and become willing to take risks for the glory of God.
Part 4: Living With Eternity's Values
In this episode, Leslie reminds us that choosing radical devotion to Jesus Christ in a world of mediocrity means a new approach to decision-making. As Christians we should no longer ask “what do I want?” but rather “what does He want?” We should no longer ask “what will make ME happy” but “what will bring Him glory?” When we live according to eternity’s values instead of the world’s values, we will discover the fulfillment and joy of a purpose-filled, victorious Christian life.
Part 5: Sprinting Toward the Battle
Proactive Christianity seeks out opportunities to boldly proclaim Christ, while reactive Christianity stays silent in order to self-protect. For most of us, it is extremely counterintuitive to sprint toward danger instead of shy away from it. But, as Leslie shares in this episode, God’s kingdom advances when His people live out bold, fearless, and outward faith.

Part 6: Embracing Proactive Christianity
Leslie continues her Victorious Living series with a powerful challenge to sprint toward our personal “giants” rather than retreating from them and to live out proactive rather than reactive Christianity. In this episode Leslie reminds us that all throughout history, God’s kingdom has advanced when His people were proactive instead of reactive in living out their faith. As our world is quickly growing more and more hostile toward truth, each of us must decide which kind of Christian we are going to be.
Note: this episode is audio only (there is no video, we apologize for any inconvenience)

Part 7: Living Boldly Right Now
This is the final episode in Leslie’s Victorious Living series. Leslie reminds us that instead of cowering in a corner to protect ourselves from the rapidly increasing darkness of our age, God is calling us to go and shine His light to this lost and dying world. This episode challenges us to ask the question: what soul has He called me to reach today? If every true Christian in this country began seriously asking that question each day, imagine how dramatically and quickly change would come.
Note: this episode is audio only (there is no video, we apologize for any inconvenience)