Speaker: Eric Ludy
Show: Bravehearted Truths
Mini-Series: The Hill to Die On: a study in the preeminence of Jesus Christ
Preeminence is such a wonderful word. Especially when it is associated with the Person of Jesus Christ.
A very simple definition of the word would be — holding first place.
So often the modern church promotes the sub-ideas of Scripture into the first place position, that solely belongs to Jesus. And when this happens, it harms the Truth and it harms Christian life.
In this message Eric labors to remove the fog bank that often surrounds the theology and doctrines of the Christian faith and zeroes in on what matters most of all. It shouldn’t be shocking to anybody that knows and has lived out true and vibrant Christianity that what matters most of all is Jesus.
Part 1: The Hill to Die On
go deeper into this topic and Continue your study in this series …
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